Cutting and weaving branches on Chiswick Eyot

Save the tiny island from the invasive crabs!

The drawdock, Chiswick Lane
W4 2PJ
Date and time
10:00 - 13:00
Saturday, 5th of October 2024

The Old Chiswick Protection Society is looking for volunteers to help with conservation work on Chiswick Eyot. The eyot (or ait) is one of about 180 of these tiny narrow islands in the River Thames, formed over time by the accumulation of sediment, which have become home to many different kinds of wildlife. Chiswick Eyot is a nature reserve and ancient withy bed where swans have nested and willow trees have grown for centuries.

Unfortunately the eyot is at risk from Chinese Mitten Crabs who have made their home in the mud, burrowing into the banks and creating complex, interconnected burrows. The consequences are potentially disastrous, as the crabs’ burrowing loosens the mud around the eyot, and when the tide flows in and out, the earth is washed away, steadily eroding the island over time.

The good news is that Thames21 received substantial donation to help the Old Chiswick Protection Society carry out conservation work which includes cutting branches from nearby Duke's meadow to to build defences. They are looking for volunteers to help cut the withy branches and weave them into fences to shore up the earth.

You will be playing a role in helping save an important part of Chiswick history! All tools will be provided but wellies are highly recommended as it is very muddy! Please bring gardening gloves if you have them.

The point of contact on the day is Vic Richardon from Thames 21. Meet at 10am on the drawdock at the bottom of Chiswick Lane south.

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The drawdock, Chiswick Lane
W4 2PJ
Date and time
10:00 - 13:00
Saturday, 5th of October 2024

As you will make your own way to the task, feel free to walk or run as you wish.

Ideal for beginners

The drawdock, Chiswick Lane
W4 2PJ

Anastasia Hancock
Led by Anastasia Hancock

Area Activator for Wandsworth and Hounslow. All things running. For fitness, fun, racing and to feel good - and for everybody!

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GoodGym welcomes anyone aged 18 or over. If you are under 18 then you will be unable to participate in any GoodGym activity

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