Can't be-LEAVE how much we cleared!

15 GoodGymers made their way 5.8km to help their local community.

  • Sarah Place
  • Becky Bates
  • Sophie Whitwell
  • David Claridad
  • Duncan Elsworth
  • Rachel Sutton
  • James Padmore
  • Michel Furtado
  • Kristin Raassum
  • Roberta Barr
  • Erica Rendall
  • Louisa Minter-Kemp
  • Stephen Lacey
  • Michael Dias
  • Andrew Lacey
Tuesday, 25th of September 2018
Led by Sarah Place

A group of awesome Schroders runners ran 6km to help clear leaves at Brunswick Square!

It was a lovely afternoon for a run, a little crisp but the sun was shining bright!

Yesterday was City Giving Day, an initiative set up where businesses can unite to celebrate and showcase their charitable and volunteering efforts with employees, clients, suppliers and the public. so it everyone was conveniently wearing red which coincidentally also happened to be GoodGym colours!

We met round at the back entrance of the swanky new Schroders building with everyone wearing their matching red T shirts (coincidentally also GG colours!). We had a quick safety briefing and we were on our way.

Barbican maze!

The first obstacle was navigating through the disorienting and unnecessarily complicated maze that is Barbican! Multi levels, paths that go inside and out, forward and back, left and right, winding staircases... but we got through in the end and then ten minutes later arrived at Brunswick Square!

We were greeted by the lovely Elizabeth who had lots of bags, tools and gloves ready for us. The task was clearing leaves from the flower beds so the plants have room to breath... and there were a whole lotta leaves! Everyone got stuck in!! Grabbing rakes, shovels, buckets, anything they could to help relieve the plants of those leaves!

After 45 minutes, the flower beds were looking SO much neater, the paths had been swept, and these awesome guys had filled 5 HUGE bags of leaves! AMAZING!!!

Running isn't just about running!

Just before we set off on our run back to the office we finished with a little bodyweight strength circuit. Because as I said, it's SO important to have strong legs and core strength for your running as it will help prevent injury and generally make you a stronger and faster runner and who doesn't want that! 3 rounds of squat jumps, mountain climbers and bicycle crunches and we were ready to head back to the office!

Great job yesterday! Elizabeth was so happy with what you got done. The Friends of Brunswick Square only get about 8 volunteers a month so what you did yesterday really made a massive difference so you should all be super chuffed! Lovely to meet you all and maybe see you at a GoodGym run soon!

Report written by Sarah Place

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