
Community mission

An a-mice-ing day out in the fields

5 GoodGymers made their way to help the Ealing Wildlife Group in Ealing.

  • Danny
  • Kat
  • Sevan
  • Kash
  • Madhan
Sunday, 7th of May 2023
Led by Kash

The Arrival

Madhan was the first to arrive at the Marnham Fields from GoodGym. There was a group of people standing outside, I thought they were there for a hike or doing some other activities. At 10:58 they all grouped together and Sean started debriefing. I was standing a bit away from that group. Kash and Sevan soon arrived after finishing the Northala Park run and joined that group. Sevan signaled me to join them as well. Yes, the whole group of 45+ people was there to release the Harvest mice (Micromys minutus) into the fields. There were two mice wives and a mice husband in the group who would be guiding us on the mice release process.

Got a bit of history from the Ealing Wildlife Group. Apparently, the last time they were seen in the UK was in 1979. They are getting reintroduced after 45 years.

Just near the end of the speech Kat and Danny, who made a whopping 3.5-hour hike from Kilburn joined us.

Is this the longest anyone walked to a GoodGym task?

English men and Scottish women

So 925 mice have been released so far(in Horsenden Hill meadows, paradise fields) and one of us from the group will be releasing the 1000th mice. We were told everyone would have an opportunity to release a mice into the wild and kids are allowed two chances. Kash, Sevan, and I took the Mice tanks and were walking into the Marnham fields with others. Kash was carrying the tank with Horsenden male mice, and I was carrying the tank with Scottish female mice. We split into 4 groups and started releasing the mice at different locations. Sevan and others were carrying the Scottish male and Horsenden female mice.

Smol, Awww, and cutee

These were the words said by the group when we saw the tiny little mice. Kash did the honor of releasing the first mice. It barely stayed on her hand. It didn't waste any time and sprinted right into the mission. I followed next. The mice sat on my hand for a second took a sniff of my hoodie and decided to pee on my hand before jumping onto the nearest plant. Soon others started releasing the mice one by one and few of them spent quite a lot of time hanging on to the plant before drifting into the fields. Kat said the mice stayed on her for over a minute before it went out.

Mice hanging

Have I mentioned that I didn't even feel the weight of the mice on my hands? They were as light as feathers.

Soon all the other mice were released, and we all parted ways but not before taking a groupfie. And who released the 1000th mice remained the mystery and we collectively decided it was *****

Report written by Madhan

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Sunday May 7th, 2023 19:08

Pleasure to meet you Team Ealing, and thanks for writing-up Madhan! ☺️

Sunday May 7th, 2023 19:43

Thanks for the wonderful task and having us at GG Ealing. 😊

Sunday May 7th, 2023 19:44

For having us**

Sunday May 7th, 2023 20:00

You're welcome anytime, not only when we have a task with cute animals ☺️

Sunday May 7th, 2023 20:33

It was a joy to have such an impressive duo of impressive walkers from Brent

Sunday May 7th, 2023 20:38

☝️ Not sure if I pressed the submit button too early or I was so amazed by your walk that the above sentence actually makes sense 😁

Another entertaining and informative report, Madhan - you've beaten me to it!

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Led by Kash

Running? Lifting? I'll do that only for GoodGym.

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    • Madhan
  • Photographers

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    • Madhan
    • Sevan
    • Danny

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Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Sevan
Bodyline Studio

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