

To Weed or Not to Weed, that was the question.

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Islington.

  • Ivo
  • anne malcolm
Sunday, 30th of June 2024

Well, we were to weed of course because that's what we were there to do. But specifically WHICH BITS to weed was open to some negotiation.

Aiming to give Ms D the tidy garden she wanted while leaving enough greenery to support biodiversity, GoodGym volunteers, Ivo and Anne, considered the options. It was agreed we would weed the main patio area and around the flowerbed below the bedroom window to prevent the biodiversity (fieldmice) getting inside. The rosebed would be smartened up but the rest would be left as it was.

Armed with an impressive array of tools provided by Ms D, we set to work. The sun, or perhaps weedkiller - we weren't sure which - had made life easier for us by killing the weeds growing between the patio slabs.

In just over an hour, the weeds were up, bagged and removed from the property and Ms D was happy with her new look garden.

Report written by anne malcolm

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Monday July 1st, 2024 15:11

Great to see you Anne!

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Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Simon Fitzmaurice
The Arsenal Community Hub

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