Track & Towpath- Morning Social Track Session, Mile End (4)

Fortnightly pre-work track sessions, held by UKA Coach in Running Fitness, Simon

Mile End Stadium
Burdett Road
E3 4HL
Date and time
07:45 - 09:15
Wednesday, 19th of February 2025

If you are looking for accessible training sessions that can be included in your schedule, then come and join Area Activator Simon for his fortnightly runs.

Track training is always more fun with others, and these are designed to be sociable and open to all.


Here is an example agenda for a new session:

Meet at Mile End Athletics Track (the start point for Mile End parkrun) for 7.45am. Dynamic drills and specific engagement exercises.

Then we make our way into Mile End Track for our key session at 8am - 8.10am.

The sessions will be mixed pace, timed intervals. Open to all runners with the ability to run consistently for 20-30 minutes without stopping. We all work to our own effort levels and complete our workouts together!

Finishing our session for 8.30-8.40am

An optional cool down jog down the Regents Canal towpath to The Yurt Café in Limehouse for coffee and breakfast!

Showers and lockers are available for those who need to dash to work after the session.

Cost for track access: £5.05 for a one-off track session, or £12 for a monthly pass

Can be paid on the day, or in advance via the following link:

Any questions, please message Simon Fitzmaurice or comment below!

Who's going

  • Simon Fitzmaurice


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Mile End Stadium
Burdett Road
E3 4HL
Date and time
07:45 - 09:15
Wednesday, 19th of February 2025

Mile End Stadium
Burdett Road
E3 4HL

Simon Fitzmaurice
Led by Simon Fitzmaurice

- Goodgym Islington AA - Likes long slow runs - Coach in Running Fitness

What to look out for

Age Restriction

GoodGym welcomes anyone aged 18 or over. If you are under 18 then you will be unable to participate in any GoodGym activity

Make sure you've read our general guidelines for safety when running and at a task.

This event is not organised by GoodGym and GoodGym takes no responsibility for your participation in the event.

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