
Group run

Put-tin in the miles

11 GoodGymers made their way 9.1km to help the Carriers of Hope in Coventry.

  • Laura P
  • Laura Denham
  • Jackie Dines
  • James
  • Georgia Knights
  • Natasha Frazer
  • Stuart Coles
  • Chris Marrow
  • Bose Olajide
  • VA
Tuesday, 2nd of July 2024
Led by Laura Denham

11 Goodgymers strutted there stuff to Carriers of Hope last night, with a mixture of walkers, making their own way there and runners joining the group run.

A big welcome to new recruits; Va, Chris,Michelle Victoryand Bose! Kudos on popping your GoodGym cherry and rocking those snazzy new red t-shirts Bose and Michelle!

The group runners clocked a solid 9km during their jaunt, Chris and Vani you did amazing and thanks to Laura for back marking.

7 of the gang rolled up to Carriers of Hope by 6.15pm, while the rest of us sweat it out on the run. The runners eventually arrived at 7pm, just as the early birds were knee deep in a marathon of checking expiry dates and organising dried food donations into crates including tins,cans, sauces, pasta, you name it.

After a lightning fast 20 minutes the runners went full speed ahead back to CRCB. Meanwhile the rest of the crew kept the food sorting momentum going strong, well done team! Great to see you all, thank you for your hard work.

Next week is a new task at Earlsdon Primary School allotments so hope to see some of you there!

Report written by Laura Denham

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Chris Marrow
Chris Marrow
Wednesday July 3rd, 2024 13:49

Thank you for making me feel so welcome, everyone is doing an amazing job.

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Laura Denham
Led by Laura Denham

Likes being out in the fresh air, running, socialising and spreading kindness. Favourite quote, 'Be the change you want to see in the world'

GoodGymers helping out
  • Walk Leader

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • James
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Laura P

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Earlsdon Primary School Allotments

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Laura Denham
Coventry Boys and Girls Club

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