
Community mission

When one or two got lost among the brambles....

6 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Woking.

  • Woking runner
  • Alys Penfold
  • Claire
  • Julie
  • Nadia
  • Clare
Wednesday, 7th of August 2024
Led by Wayne

Alys (and Quinn), Clare, Claire, Julie, Nadia and Anne were welcomed by Claud at the RSPCA in Chobham before tackling the invasion of brambles and nettles in the dogs's compounds.

The main gate being locked, Claud showed us the way to two other dogs's compounds where our help was needed. Nadia had warned us she was delayed, so Anne offered to go back to the car park and show her the new route. Unfortunately for Nadia, Anne, being jet-lagged -good excuse to diminish her complete lack of orienteering-, could not remember the way to the new compounds where the rest of the team was already clearing the borders of unwanted plants. Thank goodness, Alys came to the rescue, so the day was saved!

We all got stung by nettles, pricked by thistles and scratched by brambles, but managed to make quite a difference to both areas and filled up 3 big bags. Well done to all!

On Sunday, a group of us will help at junior parkrun, will you join in? Or you could run with us next Wednesday when we will be "leafletting" to advertise the good work done by GoodGym!

In the meantime, enjoy your runs!

Report written by Woking runner

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Thursday August 8th, 2024 13:31

Well done everyone, Anne you crack me up 😂

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Led by Wayne

GoodGym Woking Run Leader

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Woking runner
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Woking runner
  • Walk Leaders

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Julie
    • Alys Penfold
  • Back markers

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Clare
    • Nadia
    • Claire

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Woking Food Bank

Thursday 18:45 - 19:45
Led by Wayne
Woking Leisure Centre

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