Help give Ray Mill Island some TLC
Support the Friends of Ray Mill Island
Ray Mill IslandMaidenhead
Date and time
13:30 - 15:30Who this task will support
Friends of Ray Mill IslandFriends of Ray Mill Island are looking for energetic volunteers to help with various jobs.
Projects this season include…
Clearing and creating a nature trail in preparation of Bug Treasure Island Trail
Dry- Hedging - cutting hazel and weaving them to make a hedge around an old beech tree .
Borders & planting - protecting the borders from being stepped on, upcycling islands wood.
Weeding & trimming - making space and to bring light for a greater bi-diversity of plants Signages- we have an aim to name every tree on the island and point out the native plants.
Bring a pair of gardening gloves if you can. Don't worry if you've never done these kinds of jobs before. The Friends will show us what needs doing.
Meet by the mural at the back of the toilet block. What3words location is ///cove.gone.remind.
This session is longer than most of our GoodGym sessions. Don't worry if you can't stay for the full duration. Any help is appreciated.
Please also register with the Friends of Ray Mill Island's Bookwhen page here , so they know how many people to expect
How are you getting there?
Who's going
Ray Mill IslandMaidenhead
Date and time
13:30 - 15:30Who this task will support
Friends of Ray Mill IslandWalkable
As you will make your own way to the task, feel free to walk or run as you wish.
Ideal for beginners
Ray Mill Island

Led by Sheila Attenborough
GoodGym Windsor and Maidenhead TaskForce member
What to look out for
Age Restriction
GoodGym welcomes anyone aged 18 or over. If you are under 18 then you will be unable to participate in any GoodGym activity
Make sure you've read our general guidelines for safety when running and at a task.
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