Delivering leaflets for Together Trust

Advertising the community events to the local community

Life Leisure Cheadle
Shiers Dr, Cheadle
Date and time
18:30 - 20:30
Tuesday, 10th of September 2024

*About GoodGym

We're a friendly and social group who combine exercise with helping out in the local community. We meet every week to get active and do a physical task to help the charities and community organisations and projects across the Stockport region.

The Task

Together Trust has a Campaign to bring the community together.

We will be helping the Together Trust to advertise the event by running leaflets out to the houses of those in the local community.

The Run/Walk/Cycle

GoodGym is for everyone. We welcome runners of all abilities. We always have a back-marker so no-one is left behind - we're about achieving something together so you'll always be welcome no matter what your pace is.

Our run will begin at 6:30pm on Tuesday 10 the Sept from Life Leisure Cheadle. We will navigate the short journey on foot to the residential area to deliver and then run back again.

Toilet and parking facilities available at Life Leisure head torches and visible running attire advised. Dress appropriately for outdoor conditions.

Who's going

  • Hannah West
  • Stockport runner
  • Ben Foster
  • Stockport runner
  • Sian Dobson Hughes


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New to GoodGym?

This is a GoodGym group run, where we run to help a local community organisation and then run back.

New GoodGymers are welcome to GoodGym group runs - no one gets left behind. You're unlikely to be alone, hundreds of new people sign up every week.

Find out more

Life Leisure Cheadle
Shiers Dr, Cheadle
Date and time
18:30 - 20:30
Tuesday, 10th of September 2024


You will be able to join a group walking to the task if you'd prefer not to run.

Options are available to run between 5km and 7km in total

Remember that we run/walk to and from the task, so you'll only be running/walking for half this distance in one go.

This is a standard GoodGym group run. If you're worried about any aspect of the session, contact us.

Life Leisure Cheadle
Shiers Dr, Cheadle

Parking available Meeting point at the main entrance

Sian Dobson Hughes
Led by Sian Dobson Hughes

Area Activator for Stockport. A born and bred Manc and a lover of all things running. From marathons to trails, triathlons to tracks.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Stockport runner

What to look out for

Age Restriction

GoodGym welcomes anyone aged 18 or over. If you are under 18 then you will be unable to participate in any GoodGym activity

Make sure you've read our general guidelines for safety when running and at a task.

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