

Home Run

8 GoodGymers made their way to have an amazing time in Coventry.

  • Laura P
  • Laura Denham
  • Lilian
  • Philip Trigg
  • Graeme Papa Strumpf Mulvaney
  • Coventry runner
  • James
  • VA
Tuesday, 16th of July 2024
Led by Laura Denham

Eight enthusiastic GoodGymers came together with family and friends for an exciting game of rounders! We rallied to form our teams, with little Edie making a note of the scores.

Team 'Black' took to the field first , while Team 'Others' stepped up to bat. A few of us were a bit rusty with not having played the game for many a years, and it was a bit of a challenge to get a rounder but after 5 goes each they ended their turn with 1 rounder. Then it was Team Black's time to shine, getting off to a good start and finishing strong with a score of 5 rounders.

Next, we took a refreshing break with our Athletic Brewery lager and some of us indulged in a cheeky glass of wine :) We feasted on delicious treats that everyone had generously bought or made.

After recharging, we jumped into the next round, but it seemed those snacks had us feeling a bit sluggish as we ended the second round with a score of 1-0.

What a fantastic night of fun and friendly competition! After some more chatting and nibbling on a few more snacks, we wrapped up the evening and tidied up. A huge thanks to everyone for coming along, diving in and making it so enjoyable.

Report written by Laura Denham

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Sorting at Clothing Coventry

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Laura Denham
Coventry Boys and Girls Club

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