Clean up for the Kingston Surplus Food Hub launch!

Bridge the gap between food waste and food insecurity

The Quaker Centre
Fairfield East
Kingston Upon Thames
Date and time
18:30 - 20:30
Tuesday, 11th of March 2025
Who this task will support
Kingston Surplus Food Hub
We are creating a central location to collect and distribute surplus food within the borough, with a kitchen to process surplus food collected. We will be build a full commercial kitchen, along with a prep kitchen and large refrigerated storage.

Kingston Surplus Food Hub is a new initiative run by Kingston Voluntary Action to help reduce food waste and increase food security. A very real problem with the food chain is that sometimes supermarkets are overstocked with a certain item which when not bought in quanitity by the shoppers can go to waste. KSFH wants to use excess food stock and create delicious meals to be handed out to those that may not have the kitchen facilities or the money to do the same. They have asked for our help prior to their launch to the public as they have lots of tasks to do before they are open and they need to make sure that everything is clean and hygienic.

Our task list includes cleaning all the walls, floors, doors and surfaces within 3 kitchen rooms, clean the storage cupboard shelves, walls and floors, sweep the hallway to the car park, and clear the car park area of leaves and rubbish. This will help them start up the hub and be able to register with Kingston council to get their hygiene rating.

Meet at the Quaker Centre at 6.30pm for a 3.7km run there and a 3.7km run back. Please be aware that it's a slightly longer run than usual. If you would like to meet us there at 7pm the address is: Malden Centre, Blagdon Road, New Malden, KT3 4TA

Who's going

  • Julie
  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Jana
  • Luke
  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Jacqui Smith
  • Dave White
  • Rachel White

Photos of the task


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Kingston upon Thames

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This is a GoodGym group run, where we run to help a local community organisation and then run back.

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The Quaker Centre
Fairfield East
Kingston Upon Thames
Date and time
18:30 - 20:30
Tuesday, 11th of March 2025
Who this task will support
Kingston Surplus Food Hub
We are creating a central location to collect and distribute surplus food within the borough, with a kitchen to process surplus food collected. We will be build a full commercial kitchen, along with a prep kitchen and large refrigerated storage.

Ideal for beginners

The Quaker Centre
Fairfield East
Kingston Upon Thames

Rachel White
Led by Rachel White

I am the area activator for Kingston Upon Thames. Keen to keep moving and improving.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Jana

What to look out for

Age Restriction

GoodGym welcomes anyone aged 18 or over. If you are under 18 then you will be unable to participate in any GoodGym activity

Make sure you've read our general guidelines for safety when running and at a task.

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