Defining the next phase of GoodGym

What are the outcomes from our annual gathering?

September 24, 2018

Have your own GoodGym story to share with the community? Email and we'll be in touch.

Every year GoodGym runners get together for a weekend to celebrate our achievements and plan for the future. Two months ago 82 of us came together at the annual Shindig. This article is an overview of plans which came from Shindig and what we've done since.

This year 27 runners led sessions on a wide variety of topics ranging from group size, socials, tourism, to local and national identity. Here are some themes which came out of the sessions:

  • There is a lot of energy for GoodGym to keep growing
  • There are lots of skills and experiences amongst our runners that we could do more to harness
  • Being open about our plans and GoodGym operations is crucial for runners who want to contribute
  • We should be open to different area identities and be open to learning from each other
  • Coming together is great and we should find different ways to do it
  • We should carry on being creative about the ways we get people involved and making GoodGym more accessible

Changes we've already made

We've already made a few changes that came from ideas shared at Shindig.

  • We have set up a Task Force Facebook group
  • We have developed a weekly digest for trainers on all the latest developments in their areas
  • We have set up a comms working group to improve the stories we tell about GoodGym
  • We have had conversations with partners such as WWF and Sustrans to coordinate national tasks
  • We've started work on walk leader roles
Full report:

The full report from all sessions and suggested next steps is now available here

There's also a report of what happened at Shindig 2018 here.

If you'd like to revisit some of the documents we shared before Shindig you can check them out here:

  • Annual report 16-17 This document contains our accounts and annual report from our 16-17 financial year.

  • Update for Shindig 2018 This document has more information about our strategy, finances and structure and was send out to help everyone to help prepare for the annual meetup.

Get in touch with Ed at, if:

  • You'd like to discuss any of the topics highlighted in this report or play a role in developing some of the suggested next steps
  • You think you could help improve Shindig. We will be looking for people to be part of Shindig coordination team for next year's gathering in 2019
Have your own GoodGym story to share with the community? Email and we'll be in touch.
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