
Community mission

"You've got the light to see me through (this mission)"

4 GoodGymers made their way to help the Heeley Development Trust in Sheffield.

  • Sheffield runner
  • Ash
  • Rachel
  • James Smith
Monday, 26th of October 2020
Led by Ash

GGrs met Bev and Rob @ our favourite meeting point - the woodchip pile! to receive tonight's briefing.

Raking the wildflower meadow hill, followed by woodchipping the footpath running along it... if we had time.... Mission Impossible?

We had the time limit of a good action movie and the plot (of land) to go with it. [Action movie voiceover] A team of 6 ....brought together by fate (and Ash in pre-arranging the misssion with Bev).... on a dark and rainy night...

1.5 hours .... Go!

The speed we went it was like watching a movie montage in real time and we had finished off both tasks in just under an hour and a half, helped by the efforts of the Truginator James, for who carrying one trug at a time was not enough. Or was it just that one would put him off balance? We will find out in the sequel ;)
"I'll be back ... for another 2 trugs filling Rob please"

Raking Rachel did not have the last laugh, instead she laid the last of the path!

Join us for another action packed adventure in 2 weeks time in 'sunny' Heeley People's Park. Do you wish to star in our next feature "Purposeful Pruning in the Park... in the Dark"

Report written by Sheffield runner

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James Smith
James Smith
Monday October 26th, 2020 20:51

Hahaha! 👍

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Led by Ash

GoodGym Sheffield runner

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Sheffield runner

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DCRT: Salmon Revival - River Don weir fish pass inspections

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Tom Mutton
Showroom Cinema

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