
Group run

Why nettle for anything less

23 GoodGymers made their way 7.0km to help the Wildcat Wilderness in Lewisham.

  • Emma Presley Abbott
  • Martin
  • Eleanor Parker
  • Sophie Fishel
  • Kim
  • Vic
  • Amber Maurice
  • Martin Wilcockson
  • Iitmari
  • Lewisham runner
  • Maria Ahmed
  • Lewisham runner
  • Ealing runner
  • Clare Nicholson
  • Adam Letch
  • Lucy Springett
  • Lewisham runner
  • Patrick S Campbell
  • Matthew Lyall
  • Daniel Powell
  • Bryan
  • Julian Himmerich
  • Inke
Monday, 22nd of July 2019
Led by Amber Maurice

It was an evening of celebrations in Lewisham last night, we had:

  • Maria’s 50th Good Deed – well done on all those good deeds!
  • Nykolette had a wonderful Sunday of running the Asics 10k and then as if that wasn’t enough, fitting in a mission afterwards
  • Community missions at Hilly Fields, litter picking and removing the weeds around saplings that were planted by Friends of Hilly Fields
  • Volunteering at Asics 10k – Louise was handing out finishers t-shirts and got to model one herself! Not to forget the GoodGym manned water station as well

Not only that, we also had 6 new people join us in Lewisham last night! I’m sure that’s a record number of new people in one night! I hope you all enjoyed your first GoodGym Lewisham experience and we’d love to see you again at future tasks.

Tarpaulin' behaviour

Tonight’s task was at one of our favourite places, Wildcat Wilderness, it’s a bit of a longer run than usual and one that felt even longer in the heat but everyone did great and we arrived together ready to start whatever tasks Maria had lined up for us (there’s always a variety of tasks at Wildcat).

  • Team unfold the giant tarpaulin and fold back neatly – pretty self explanatory except the tarpaulin was huge and took a bit of manoeuvring to get it laid out flat and then a lot of teamwork to get it back folded neatly and carried to the spot we’d just brought it from. It now takes up half the space and looks neat and tidy – hopefully that’ll make it easier to access when it’s next needed
  • Team cut back the weeds on the path – the weeds/plants along the path to Widcat Wilderness can get a little overgrown and it’s a long path, the group spread out along the path and chopped/weed bashed/cut the plants back. I couldn’t believe the transformation!
  • Team watering plants – a couple of people watered the plants as it’s going to be hot over the next couple of days so they needed to be hydrated like us runners do too!

We then split into 2 groups with half staying to finish off the path and half beginning to make their way back to our start point, we all grouped back together around three quarters of the way back. It was then time for a quick stretch and chat about next weeks task which is at Luxmore Gardens – another outdoor gardening task so don’t forget the bug spray.

Report written by Amber Maurice

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Adele Prince
Adele Prince
Tuesday July 23rd, 2019 12:16

Brilliant report Amber! It sounds like a super-productive evening, that path!

10/10 for the puns, surely a contender for the IPOTM?!

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Amber Maurice
Led by Amber Maurice

GoodGym Lewisham runner

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Iitmari
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Kim

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Help in the garden at The Albany

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Kim
Glass Mill Leisure Centre

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