
Community mission

Weeding the way at the Victoria Centre

5 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Sheffield.

  • Hannah McCormack
  • Gilly Harris
  • Sheffield runner
  • Abi
  • Charly
Wednesday, 8th of July 2020
Led by Sheffield runner

Lovely Linda met us for our task as the well known community leader, Jolly Jean, who called us to task was called away to an emergency meeting.

Jean has been working tirelessly in the community for years so we were happy to lend a hand with weeding around the centre to make it look lovely for its reopening. Various activities run from the centre and during lockdown the weeds have been growing - although it seemed some had been removed recently from a local person offering to help. Still lots for us to do!

Linda, of Friends of Sheaf Valley Park (FOSVP) and local litter picking fame (plus she's another fantastic community champion in Norfolk Park!), held the fort and got us going on the task. With kitchen knives, hoes, trowels, brushes and other scraping tools we soon weeded between the paving slabs, up the ramps and around the building.

It drizzled but it was a nice session and although our 6th Goodgymer who had signed up didn't appear, we think Linda may be our newest recruit! Although she says she doesn't want to run anywhere. Some of us will see Linda for the litter picking session with FOSVP on South Street next Wednesday evening.

Thanks everyone for turning out on a slightly damp evening. It was really good to see everyone!

Report written by Sheffield runner

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DCRT: Salmon Revival - River Don weir fish pass inspections

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Tom Mutton
Showroom Cinema

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