
Group run

Because we're all about a Ton

22 GoodGymers made their way 7.2km to help the Seniors in Lewisham.

  • Jacqueline Francis
  • Conroy
  • Stephen Corry
  • Kim
  • Sarah
  • Nykolette
  • Amber Maurice
  • Clare Griffiths
  • Martin Wilcockson
  • Oliver
  • Lewisham runner
  • Lewisham runner
  • Ealing runner
  • Clare Nicholson
  • Darryl Chamberlain
  • Sarah
  • Gajalakshan Mohankumar
  • Adam Letch
  • Rob Parker
  • Lewisham runner
  • Matthew Lyall
  • Mahala Ashley
Monday, 15th of July 2019
Led by Conroy


It was good to be back at Lewisham with you all tonight to see some familiar faces and the new faces that has since joined since my departure.

Welcome Mahala to her first GoodGym group run, hope to see you again soon, reckon you can get anywhere near Jacqueline's record?


Every Monday there is always something to celebrate in Lewisham, but tonight was even more special, **Amber completed her 100th good deed, I remember being at the first GoodGym run and being here tonight to celebrate her 100th was a very special moment. I can remember her first parkrun, first 10k, first half marathon, first marathon, not forgetting her first booth camp I been to where the quiet person I knew was no longer quiet but a very hard task master, she had us all sweating in foster park. Its been a great pleasure running alongside her and witness all those achievements. She's come a long way from where she began.


Congratulations Kim and Tom on who ran 100km at the weekend, in race to the stones.


Well done guys we salute you both! Not forgetting their supporting team of Amber and Nykolette as if training for and running 100km wasn't a big enough task Kim even had time to prepare them an itinerary of the run route and pit stops she pictures.


A warm Lewisham welcome to Gaj and Sarah on tourisim from Cronx. Sadly Croydon's loss may be Lewisham, Greenwich or Southwark's gain, Gaj has recently relocated to New Cross and is presently looking for a new GoodGym area, we over in Croydon are sad to be loosing him but I'm sure whichever area he decides to make his new home he will be well looked after.


Tonight 22 runners ran 7.5km to Seniors to help in their garden, the route to and from senior's is always filled with great hill climbs and rewarding views. We were met by Cathy who had an array of task to be completed. She met us in the front garden where she explained what she would like us to do but not before asking us to be a little quiet as there was a yoga class going on in the hall.

We had people trimming the edges along the walk way, weeding the grass that had grown between the bricks on the patio area, repotting plants for plant sale which takes place on Tuesdays, working in the polly tunnel and shifting compost from the compost heap to one of the raised beds.

As they say more hands makes light work and that was surely the case today or maybe it was the though of the trip to Mama Dough's.

On the run back there was an interesting conversation going on about the best S@*T to be used for compost and this time I can confirm the conversation was not being led by Oli, king of the thrones. Clare, is an expert of manure and has a shortlist of the best so if you're ever unsure which to get I'm sure she would be more than happy to provide a recommendation. (there were 3 Claires today)

As we came into Ladywell the group got smaller as some shuffled of toward Mama Dough's, while the others who had left their belongings in the gym accompanied me back to Glass Mills, for the sprint finish and cool down session before heading back to Mama Dough's to celebrate.

Well done all and thank you for your efforts and energy you provided today.

Community mission coming up on the weekend, Litter picking pre-Hilly Fields parkrun, Tending to the saplings in Hilly Fields

Next week we will be going into the wilderness sign up here

Well Done Tom and Kim, you've done us proud.

Kim completed her run on behalf of Cancer Research if you would like to sponsor her click here.

Report written by Conroy

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Led by Conroy

Just a regular guy, who likes running, doing my bit for the community.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Stephen Corry

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Help in the garden at The Albany

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Kim
Glass Mill Leisure Centre

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