
Community mission

We had a leafly time in Lewisham!

7 GoodGymers made their way to help the Crofton Park Station Garden in Lewisham.

  • Adele Prince
  • Jacqueline Francis
  • Monica Charlery-Cazaubon
  • Emma
  • Adam Letch
  • Sam Lefevre
  • James Lasowski
Monday, 12th of October 2020
Led by Adele Prince

On a soggy Monday night in Lewisham, seven superstars set-to with brooms and gloves to help tidy the Crofton Park Station Garden.

It was definitely one of those evenings where you might be forgiven for looking out and deciding the sofa, some comfort food and a bit of telly are far more tempting. Not our intrepid seven volunteers, who pulled on their waterproofs and got stuck in.

I was all set to jump on my bike, only to find a puncture had had its wicked way with my front wheel (it's definitely puncture weather), so hot-footed it to Crofton Park, where everyone was already busy, under the guidance of Paul, who gave directions to clear leaves from the beds and paths. Crofton Park Station Garden has certainly come a long way since our early visits a few years back. Since then, some funding and a lot of hard work from volunteers have transformed the space, which is now fully accessible, with nice wide paths and ramp and lots of welcoming areas to sit and take some quiet time away from the busy road and station nearby.

I was excited to see some old friends and meet some newer GoodGymmers, though I did find myself straining to see who I was talking to (it's a good time to invest in a head-torch!). I chatted to Sam, who was doing his best to contain the over-stuffed compost bin, whilst updating me on his mission to complete 300 good deeds before his 30th birthday (he's going to smash it way ahead of schedule!). I also caught up with James, who is new to GoodGym, having joined his first session last week, with Richard, over at Food2You.

Even in the dark, I could see just what a difference a group of energetic volunteers can make, with all the beds looking fresh and the paths cleared of fallen leaves - at this time of year it's hard work keeping on top of this, so our help will make a big difference to the team.

If you enjoyed this task and want a bit more gardening fun (in the daylight), we have a great task lined up over the next few Saturdays, all details and sign-up here. For details of all upcoming community missions, check this link and make sure you are signed up to receive the weekly digest to stay up-to-date.

Report written by Adele Prince

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Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Kim
Glass Mill Leisure Centre

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