
Group run

Turning over a new leaf-let after the panda-emic*

4 GoodGymers made their way 3.7km to help the British Heart Foundation in Sheffield.

  • Rachel
  • James Smith
  • Helen Alford
  • Max
Monday, 30th of August 2021
Led by Helen Alford
  • I know the pandemic isn't over, but group runs have returned to pre-pandemic levels

On a very drizzly August bank holiday four of Sheffield's most intrepid GGers leafletted their way along the streets of Highfield for the British Heart Foundation. We split into two teams (boys v. girls, naturally) and, laden with many leaflets, attempted to deliver them all in the time allotted.

James and Max took to the streets west of Bramhall Lane, while Helen and Rachel went east. I managed to confuse the route almost immediately - briefly thinking Shoreham Street was Bramhall Lane. How I could forget that there's a massive football ground there is beyond me - I'm a born-and-bred Sheffielder! Although a Wednesday fan...

We leafletted for a good half and hour (given there were four of us, we covered as much ground as we feasibly could) before meeting at our rendevous point, the giant panda in New Era square. Hence the panda based pun 🐼

Reminiscing about notable GoodGym missions of old, we made our way back to the Showroom and had a stretch, a quick drink, and a discussion about next week's group run. Sign up here . Happy running everyone :)

Report written by Helen Alford

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Helen Alford
Led by Helen Alford

GoodGym Sheffield runner

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SUSTRANS: Keeping Sheffield's walking, running and cycling routes spic and span.

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Tom Mutton
Showroom Cinema

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