
Community mission

Think - Plan - Execute

3 GoodGymers made their way to help the Reduce and Recycle Hub at Acton Market in Ealing.

  • Sevan
  • Kash
  • Madhan
Sunday, 28th of May 2023
Led by Kash

Madhan was reaching the Acton Central station and had a look inside Boulangerie Jade hoping he will catch Kash and Sevan in their coffee action. They were not inside but emerged out of the Goldsmith Road just when he changed his vision to the road.

The task was not new to this group as they had just done a similar one a few weeks back. It's about sliding things inside people's houses. Kash took out two packages containing the leaflets about Reduce and Recycle hub, that needs to be distributed around the Acton area. It's only 3 people this time. Can they finish distributing them all before the task ends?

Kash was explaining which roads they were covering today which Madhan didn't fully listen to as he was thinking about how it will be sunny throughout the day, and quickly popped into Boulangerie Jade and gulped two glasses of water. The team then started walking towards Albert Road.

Kash went right into the action and decided to cover the houses on the right.

Sevan and Madhan went to the left, but not before having a quick discussion on what's the best strategy for distribution. Divide & Conquer or Backtracking.

So we went with Option A (Divide and Conquer). Sevan and Madhan covered the houses on the left and Kash on the right. The two-person team kept on switching as we entered new roads. And the two-person team looped back to the other side once they finished their side as they were covering double the houses than the single person.

Some of the houses looked abandoned. A few had dogs barking as soon as we lift open the mailbox. But overall it was a quiet Sunday morning with a nice and warm sun above our heads.

Sevan knows what makes the Acton great, it's the goodgymers in action

And proposed the idea of taking selfie commemorating that. Halfway through the task, the team then decided to try the second strategy of distributing leaflets and covering a single side before switching to the other side of the road. The leaflets in their hands were disappearing at a steady pace. The time was nearing 10 and the trio was progressing on their way to Bondi Juice to finish the mission with a coffee and to start their next mission in 30 minutes.

When the clock said 10'O clock, all their hands were empty and they reached the coffee shop as well and had their much-deserved coffee under the sun.

See the noodles of a route the team covered in the pictures. That's ~5km in 1 hour said Strava.

Report written by Madhan

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Led by Kash

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    • Madhan
  • Photographers

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    • Madhan
    • Sevan

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Create an IMPACTful Dressing Room 💥🎩👗

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Sevan
Bodyline Studio

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