

There’s no rose without a thorn…

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Islington.

  • Emma
Thursday, 8th of July 2021

I’d forgotten that Archway is atop a bit of a hill but thoroughly enjoyed my cycle over to visit MrB and help him with this garden quest.

We chatted about travel and tennis. I discovered that he delights in full on belly laughs. Jokes were swapped and then the real work had to begin. Having discovered no tools at the property, I found some very lovely local builder merchants who gifted us a pair of secateurs. They even posed for a photo.

Mr B is wheelchair bound and he doesn’t go out very often, so his front garden and ramp were starting to get quite overrun with roses and hawthorns. I refused to leave with there still being an access issue in place and so I set to cutting these pesky thorned plants back, pulling up weeds, picking up litter and sweeping it all up. I even got my new buddy to come outside and enjoy a bit of fresh air and sunshine with me.

Report written by Emma

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Liverpool runner
Liverpool runner
Tuesday July 13th, 2021 12:47

Well done, Emma!

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31 Grenville road

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