
Group run

The swan navigation

3 GoodGymers made their way 16.4km to help the Woking Athletics Club in Woking.

  • Woking runner
  • Adam
  • James McCloud
Sunday, 15th of September 2024
Led by James McCloud

On a sunny Sunday morning I met up with GoodGym runner James to get a warm drink before the group run. As they made their way to meet GoodGymmer Anne at Woking park they witness the triathlon running stage going through Woking park. Jogging around to meet Anne, we started the run on a bright clear and sunny day. We started the route below Woking park to head to the woods. We got there where the triathlete's route was so we waited for a good sized gap and quickly crossed the bridge. From there we took a wider route so that we can head towards Old Woking without crossing the triathlon course. It wasn't long before the three runners had passed Old Woking Cricket Club grounds, along pad St Peters Recreation Grounds and reaching Send. From there they took a left hand turn onto the River Wye. Heading towards Pryford to make it to the Anchor pub for a well deserved refreshment drink. Within 6k into the run there was a swan and some swanlings that crossed the path we were running. The swan got defensive and the swanlings started hissing at us. James boldly stepped forward pushing the swan back to give enough room for all three of us to pass. Great going James 😄 As we carried on running along the river, Anne unfortunately fell and showed real strength as she slowly got up, checked herself for any injuries. Both James and myself asked if there was anything we could do to help but as we walked, Anne said she could take a moments rest at the Anchor. A few minutes later we made it to the Anchor and got refreshments there. After we discussed about grabbing transport back to Woking Anne had finished her espresso, and said she needed a head start so immediately dashed off. Once James and I had finished our drinks we started the mission to catch up. James set off at a high pace of 4:30 a km to catch up. I struggled to match that! And as quick as we could run, there was no sight of Anne. After a good ten minutes run, there was no sign of Anne so we kept on pushing. Another five minutes of intense running we saw the silhouette of Anne ahead. James pushed on and caught up with her first with me a slow second! After this Anne , James and myself took turns with walking, running and catching up to walking again. But 3k from being back in town we all joined forces to come together. Anne strongly went on to tend to her scrapes and we wished her a speedy recovery.

Report written by Adam

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Woking runner
Woking runner
Sunday September 15th, 2024 17:35

Great report Adam! Thanks to you and James for caring.

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James McCloud
Led by James McCloud

GoodGym Woking Run Leader

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Adam
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Woking runner
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Woking runner

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