
Group run

The Hills are Alive with the Sound of GoodGym

24 GoodGymers made their way 5.3km to help the SUSTRANS and SUSTRANS in Sheffield.

  • David Gray
  • David W
  • Mike Jones
  • Sheffield runner
  • Ash
  • Sarah Louise
  • Hannah McCormack
  • Rachel
  • James Smith
  • Helen Alford
  • Sheffield runner
  • Sergiu Radu
  • Tom (Harman) Hinton
  • Chris
  • Andrew Waters
  • Annie Hinton
  • Sheffield runner
  • Celine
  • David Sheppard
  • Linda Cairns
  • Max
  • Daisy
  • Adrian Richardson
  • Anna
Monday, 2nd of March 2020
Led by Helen Alford

A solid turn out for tonight's group run - 24 Sheffield GGers braved the cold to help our friends over at Sustrans. Amongst the group tonight were two newbies, David and Anna. Hope you enjoyed the run. Give them a cheer and a chat when you next see them!

After a brief intro (using my whistle to get everyone's attention, thanks to a burgeoning sore throat) we set off up to the Sustrans location. Maltravers Road, AKA "that big hill", takes up most of the route each way. With a couple of loop-backs thrown into the run to keep everyone together, we conquered the 1.7km hill. Luckily the task site was just at the top over the traffic lights.

With Sustrans Simon being a regular friend to GoodGym, and us knowing the site fairly well, it didn't take long for everyone to pick up tools and get stuck into the variety of tasks on offer: * Litter-picking * Sweeping leaves * Shovelling debris * Chopping plants * Fixing a fence post!

As we worked, an older man who lived locally said he was happy to see us doing what we do. He had apparently been trying to do similar work by himself for decades, and was glad that bigger groups were getting involved. That's what GoodGym is all about! Half an hour's work done, and it was time to return to base. After saying goodbye to Simon (who'd fallen over at the weekend and was a bit worse for wear), we headed off back to Maltravers Road. Downhill this time. Back at base we stretched off and had a round up of what's happening in the near future:

  1. Sheffield Half Recce 2/4 - led by Steve on March 5th, meeting at half past 6.
  2. Frog Walk Pocket Garden Spring Clean organised by Celine, March 7th
  3. Steve and Zof's Barista Class - March 7th

Happy Running :)

Report written by Helen Alford

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James Smith
James Smith
Tuesday March 3rd, 2020 00:58

And the most important future event of them all; Barnsley on Wednesday

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Helen Alford
Led by Helen Alford

GoodGym Sheffield runner

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Tom (Harman) Hinton

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SUSTRANS: Keeping Sheffield's walking, running and cycling routes spic and span.

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Tom Mutton
Showroom Cinema

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