
Group run

The Chronicles of Riddling

20 GoodGymers made their way 4.9km to help the Alexandra Road Community Garden in Sheffield.

  • Becky Greenwood
  • Tom Mutton
  • Mike Jones
  • Sheffield runner
  • Ash
  • David Higham
  • Kim Longbon
  • Sarah Louise
  • Tom Read
  • Stephen Gilmer
  • Gilly Harris
  • James Smith
  • Helen Alford
  • George
  • Emily
  • Sergiu Radu
  • Andrea
  • Rob Kenning
  • Tom (Harman) Hinton
  • James
Monday, 7th of May 2018
Led by Tom Mutton

An impressive 20 runners rocked up on a GLORIOUS Bank Hol Monday in Sheffield to run to a new task this week in the community hot spot that is HILLY HEELEY!

We had a great welcome at the end of a hard hill from GENEROUS JANE & NOTORIOUS NAOMI who were joined by other friendly members of the nearby community who are involved in the upkeep of this fantastic community run garden space used by residents and passer by's of all ages who benefit from having this lovely little sun trap area to rest, relax and enjoy the beautiful blooms of the garden.

After a well earned drink, perhaps a slice of melon or the odd biscuit (or multiple in my case) and a bit of hobnobbing (no?) we gathered in the shade caught our breath from the final uphill slog and got a brief from Jane & Naomi re the gardens history, how we can help and the tasks involved for this week (we will be back).

We split into crack teams who were straight to work with;

  • Riddling (new word for me - big sieve's for soil!)
  • Removing a tree stump
  • Weeding (lots of weeding)
  • Grass cutting collection
  • Raking
  • Litter picking
  • Composting

The garden was a hive of #REDTHUNDER with Axe Murderer SENSATIONAL STEVE and DANGEROUS DAVE doing a chop notch job of chopping it whilst it's hot and not being satisfied with their trophy Steve proclaiming;

I've just got so much good to give!

After a good session on the above the garden was looking much better for having some love.

As the sun began to sink behind the nearby houses, some welcome shade was well timed as we began our fitness session for the week which involved us working in teams of 2/3 and working our way round a full circuit which included;

  • Wall Sit
  • Tuck Jump
  • Squat Punch (See Andrea & Rob for perfect demo)
  • Tri Dip
  • Lunge
  • Star Jump
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Crab Toe Touch
  • Burpees
  • Plank

We had a fantastic and heartfelt thanks from Jane & Naomi before heading off downhill this time back to base with some extra loops chucked in for good measure. We stretched off on the GLORIOUS GRASS and made it our little picnic area with some liquid refreshment and food. What better way to spend a Bank Hol Mon in the sun!

Report written by Tom Mutton

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Tom Mutton
Led by Tom Mutton

Sheffield Area Activator. PT, England Athletics Coach in Running Fitness & Tutor.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Stephen Gilmer

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SUSTRANS: Keeping Sheffield's walking, running and cycling routes spic and span.

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Tom Mutton
Showroom Cinema

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