

Slat-tery get's you everywhere!

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Lewisham.

  • Tim Lund
  • Mridula Iyer
Friday, 17th of July 2020

Good midday goodgymmers! Today Tim amd I were semt over to the lovely Mr and Ms M's to help with a bed removal.

Mr M had already dismantled the bed so we had a very quick job of just lifting the pieces and taking them to the lovely removal gents downstairs. During this mission Tim and I discussed our confusing names. I was expecting a swedish gent, and he a slavic lady! Wrong on both counts! He told me about swedish settlements that resulted in his last name. I told him my parents were jerks who thought that my name was easily pronouncable.

I also found out that Tim has managed to cycled to oxford and back on numerous occasions. Nice work Tim and Tim's quads!

After a quick selfie we headed off to enjoy this glorious sunshine!

Report written by Mridula Iyer

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CJ Jessup
CJ Jessup
Tuesday July 21st, 2020 17:06

Great work both and nice report :D

Ellie Griffin
Ellie Griffin
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 14:52

Great work Tim and Mridula!

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