
Group run

*SHP!* (Yeah, you know me)

21 GoodGymers made their way 8.0km to help the The Single Homeless Project in Islington.

  • Sam Chapman
  • Brahma Pochee
  • Claire Rees-Sewak
  • Islington runner
  • Steve Lee
  • Islington runner
  • Graham Atkins
  • James Gilbert
  • Simon Fitzmaurice
  • Claire C
  • Nancy
  • Clair Sim
  • Hanry Alexander Heatherwick-Lammers
  • Ernestas Jegorovas-Armstrong
  • Removed User
  • Caz Steer
  • Daniel Milne
  • Jack
  • Devika Vadher
  • Luke Burrage
Monday, 17th of February 2020
Led by Simon Fitzmaurice

After a weekend of braving Storm Dennis (also known as Winter Storm Mabel, a weakening European windstorm which became one of the most intense extratropical cyclones ever recorded), 20 happy Goodgymmers were treated to a pleasant wind and rain free evening of running and good deeds!

Storm Ciara came along 2 weeks ago and Storm Dennis was just last weekend- before heading out for our warm-up, we asked the Goodgymmers: "What the next storm be called?" (must be a female name beginning with "E"). Our responses were as follows:

  • Emma
  • Edna
  • Esme
  • Evelyn
  • Eleven- like from Stranger Things
  • Emily
  • Eva
  • Eugenie
  • Errrrr.....

Single Homeless Project

Our crew made their way up Holloway Road (past a few road crossings and long traffic light breaks- might try some back streets instead next time), and towards 104-107 Mercers Road, two sites for the Single Homeless Project. Last year, a team of our runners did an excellent job of shoveling almost 4 tonnes of wood chip and mulch into the front yard of number 107 (we needed to get it all off the street before the end of the night, and we battled with the elements!). This time, we were requested by Regina the volunteer coordinator to carry bags of the wood chip from 107 Mercer Road to the back garden of 104 Mercer Road (approx 200m away).

We had a good system going, with our group slitting sharing the roles of bark shovelers and bag carriers between them. The trick was not to over-fill the sacks, as 200m can be a long way to walk when you are encumbered with woodchip and mulch! Another small team assembled in the garden at 104 Mercer Road, helping to prepare some bulbs for the upcoming spring season, and making sure that the bark was offloaded in the right locations.

A really satisfying task- it is amazing to see a huge pile of bark start to deplete as the Goodgymmers crack on. SHP are dependent on our contribution to fixing up their gardens, and are super appreciative of the work we have completed so far. We will be back again next week with some new tasks too!

We jogged our way back to the Arsenal Community Hub, and Graham demonstrated a few cool down stretches before we finished up for the night. Trainer Simon had a few digestives to pass round too, continuing the GG Islington biscuit tradition.


February CREOS Community Mission

One of our classic monthly community missions will be happening this weekend (Sunday 23rd February- rescheduled from last week). Lovely gardening and green space maintenance task located near Wood Vale, Crouch End (assisted by the community for over 50 years). Typically followed by a picnic, a chat, hot drinks and occasionally some cider! A really pleasant way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

More info and sign up can be found here.

The Big Half is coming!

Come and support our Goodgym runners at one of London's best half marathon events! On Sunday 1st March, we have plenty of folks from all different GG boroughs participating, and loads of friends assisting on aid stations too.

If you would like to sign up to volunteer on one of these stations, you can find more information about this here.

Whether you are running, supporting or cheering, everyone is invited join us for drinks and food in London Bridge after the event (which finishes in Greenwich- our plan is to avoid the crowds!). Sign up here for the post-Big Half meet up.

Hackney Half 2020 aid station

Sunday 17th May sees the return of the amazing Hackney Half marathon, and Goodgym have committed to manning the Mare Street aid station on the course. This is the best place to see the race, and is one of the highlights of the run- loads of crowd support, feels like a party! 25 volunteers are required to make this happen, so sign up quick to avoid disappointment. Aid station volunteers will also receive an entry for a future Virgin Sport event (e.g. Oxford Half or ASICS London 10km).

Sign up here, and add your name to the list!

Report written by Simon Fitzmaurice

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Simon Fitzmaurice
Led by Simon Fitzmaurice

- Goodgym Islington AA - Likes long slow runs - Coach in Running Fitness - Avid screen printer

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Ernestas Jegorovas-Armstrong

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COMMUNITY MISSION- Return Trip to Timbuktu Adventure Playground

Monday 19:15 - 20:15
Led by Simon Fitzmaurice
31 Grenville road

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