
Community mission

School of rock

7 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Hounslow.

  • Amanda Parker
  • Michelle
  • Luis
  • Emily Oldfield
  • Jon Scott-Francis
  • Eloise Carey
  • Georgia Ford
Tuesday, 28th of July 2020
Led by Michelle

Another day, another Community Mission for GoodGym Hounslow. For some of us (Luis) this is almost a daily occurrence but that hasn’t dampened our enthusiasm for getting together and doing good in our community. Seven of us met at Strand on the Green infants and junior school to lend a hand on a bright and breezy Tuesday.

Claire came and met us to explain the jobs that needed doing. Georgia put her hand up first for carpet cleaning task, followed by Eloise who came along to help despite being on summer holidays from teaching - top marks Mrs Nash!

Emily and Luis opted for gardening, along with Amanda who agreed to mow the lawn. Claire explained that the outdoor jobs would mean some heavy lifting of paving stones and levelling out soil. Undeterred, Emily and Luis stepped up to the challenge.

Jon and I took on the painting task, and I’m pleased to say we played nicely and there was no snatching or stamping our feet when we worked out who would take the roller and who would get the brush.

After an hour and a half we regrouped in the playground to find that Luis and Emily had made light work of the paving slabs that needed moving while Amanda was 2/3rds of the way through the mowing. Georgia and Eloise had worked their magic on three large rugs, showing that practice really does make perfect when it comes to learning a new task. If you need your carpets cleaning look no further than these two A* students.

It wasn’t until later when photos were being shared for the task report that we found out just how much ‘work’ Emily and Luis had been doing. Check out Emily’s prowess with the miniature dumper truck and some playground rocks.

All work and no play wouldn't be a GoodGym Hounslow task.

We didn’t quite finish the first coat on the wall but luckily for us Claire was still delighted with our work- no staying after class for us. Top mark's for effort all around everyone! we'll be arranging another mission soon to finish the wall.

Report written by Michelle

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Supporting a partnership between Chiswick allotments and Hounslow foodbank

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Anastasia Hancock

Chiswick Town Hall

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