
Community mission

Pride Pickings

5 GoodGymers made their way to help the Portsmouth Pride in Portsmouth.

  • Jen Stoneham
  • Katie London
  • Lynn Spencer
  • Aoife
  • Dave M
Saturday, 10th of June 2023
Led by Jen Stoneham

After the parade took us to the Pride festival site, we donned our pickers and set about looking for treasure. A lot of colourful non-natural feathers were about, plenty of ciggie ends and a bunch of very helpful people who used our litter bags as bins rather than leaving it for us to grab. One unfortunate ice cream cone had made it's match with the floor and a few stickers that even the pickers struggled to relinquish from the grass! But with full bags, an enjoyment of the entertainment and a look around the stalls made for a pleasant task in the basking sunshine.

Report written by Dave M

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Jen Stoneham
Led by Jen Stoneham

Area Activator for GoodGym Portsmouth. I swear like a sailor, burp like a foghorn. Human A - Z of Portsmouth. Ultimately charming.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • Dave M
    • Katie London

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Staunton Farm Fun!

Wednesday 17:50 - 19:35
Led by Jen Stoneham
Front Lawn Community Hub

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