
Group run

'Prickly' heat!

19 GoodGymers made their way 4.0km to help the Thornhill Square Gardens and Mildmay Community Centre in Islington.

  • Sarah Moore
  • Steve Coman
  • Claire Rees-Sewak
  • Islington runner
  • Meg Lewis
  • Islington runner
  • Graham Atkins
  • James Gilbert
  • Nancy
  • Lambeth runner
  • Al Smith
  • Rob Riley
  • Lucy Victor
  • Barnet runner
  • Laura M
  • Daniel Milne
  • Pete Benwell
  • Elen Vogler
  • Culann
Monday, 22nd of July 2019
Led by Islington runner

What a balmy evening! Not quite the best weather for running, well done to everyone who came! Welcome to Elen who ran their first GoodGym group run and Sarah, Rob, Nancy and Sarah who were tourist-ing from other areas!

We had two great organisations to help out tonight:

Thornhill Square Gardens

A great garden that we love to visit, they are preparing for an open event on Friday. The open day includes an open cinema, yoga sessions, gardening and planting with the children and many more games and activities!

9 of us headed over to meet up with Christopher, to help them prepare the garden. The area where the children will be planting needed clearing, de-weeding and de-thistling. Another of the areas needed some TLC with its woven border. Tools and gloves at the ready, the place was soon looking grand.

Things we learnt; a compost bin can be made more fun if its hidden in a secret garden, Claire is a proud supporter of the poppy, Chris and Meg have a future in plant weaving.

Mildmay Community Centre

James explains all:

A group of us ran over to Mildmay Community Centre where we were greeted by gardener-in-chief Mus, who instantly won us over with fresh plums, a choice of still or sparkling water, and handwear galore. We were feeling the glove.

We then split up into smaller groups and got to work around the centre’s garden areas. One group got stuck into weeding a large area of steeply pitched bank area. This was basically extreme gardening and will probably show up soon as an event at the X Games.

Meanwhile three of us ferried compost from a mound on one side of the garden to the base of a row of trees at the top of the previously mentioned Very Steep Slope. They deposited fresh compost at what is basically the summit of a mountain - you might call it a precipitous drop off. Once they’d survived this endeavour, they got to work weeding around the base of the gardens several planters.

Another three ventured slightly further afield to the back of the centre where they tackled a vine that was draped elegantly up the side of the building. They de-draped the vine with vim and vigour, and various tools.

We then all got together again for a group photo and Mus gave us each a lovely flower clipping to take away.

And finally...

All meeting back at the number one stadium Emirates for stretching and biscuiting.

Biscuit of the week: Bourbon

Feedback: needs milk. Beaten by Ginger biscuits

Paul is back next week. See you all soon!

Report written by Islington runner


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Rob Riley
Rob Riley
Tuesday July 23rd, 2019 09:48

I love the group photos (at Thornhill)... we all look so happy ! :D

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Aidan Padfield
Led by Aidan Padfield

GoodGym Islington runner

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back markers

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Islington runner
    • Graham Atkins
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • James Gilbert
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • James Gilbert

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GROUP RUN- Arachne Group, Holloway Road- Cleaning up ahead of a refurbishment project

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Simon Fitzmaurice
The Arsenal Community Hub

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