
Group run

Pond Life

13 GoodGymers made their way 3.3km to help the Oxford Urban Wildlife Group in Oxford.

  • Hannah
  • Anwen Greenaway
  • Bethan Greenaway
  • Sarah
  • Sarah Morris
  • Sarah McFadden
  • Ben Foster
  • Ellie
  • Louise Hall
  • Jocasta Patel
  • Samantha Drewett
  • Sophie Wilkinson
  • Rachael M
Wednesday, 25th of August 2021
Led by Anwen Greenaway

Pond reprofiling was the name of the game this evening - the end goal being to create a few new habitats suitable for newts and other amphibians at Boundary Brook Nature Park.

The pond currently has very steep sides, and digging out the edge to create a gentle slope will make it much more newt friendly. Tonight's Wednesday team picked up where the soggy Saturday crew left off, but this time with added mattocks! We cleared vegetation, mattocked the ground to loosen the earth, and started digging out the soil, holding our noses every time anything disturbed the somewhat stinky pond water. The race is on to get the work done by the end of September when the newts will take to the water. In a win-win, the vegetation and soil were piled up to create 2 hibernaculums; another wonderful habitat for the creatures.

Mattocking, digging, wheelbarrowing and running - we got full body workouts tonight!

Boundary Brook Nature Park will be having an open afternoon on Saturday 11th September. So if you're keen to go back, walk the paths we've built, and admire the fruits of your pond digging, that's your chance.

Well done on your 50th Good Deed Louise - get that black Tshirt ordered!

Nice to meet Hannah on tour from GoodGym Bromley.

Report written by Anwen Greenaway

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Saturday August 28th, 2021 11:07

Oh dear, what can the mattock be? ; )

Anwen Greenaway
Anwen Greenaway
Sunday August 29th, 2021 13:38

Excellent punning Hannah!

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helping OXSRAD - painting

Wednesday 18:00 - 19:30
Led by Anwen Greenaway
Up In Arms pub

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