
Community mission

Only Jewels and (fitness) Courses: Don't be a plonker Rodney be a Planker :)

6 GoodGymers made their way to help the Alexandra Road Community Garden in Sheffield.

  • Sheffield runner
  • Hannah McCormack
  • Rachel
  • Andrew Waters
  • DAIANA Allen
  • Celine
Sunday, 9th of August 2020
Led by Sheffield runner

GG gems met to maintain this lovely little green space.

Our activities included: * litterpicking * trimming, weeding and watering the herb beds * weeding the paths and beds * jointly sampling the delightful mulberries and plums in the garden

Inspired by the GG Shindig best practice sharing yesterday, we incorporated a group fitness session into the community mission involving music, planking, sit ups and wall sits.

Shout out to Rachel and Daiana as the last ones sitting to Daiana's calming classical music in the sitting competition, with Daiana taking the trophy :)

It was great to hang out and chat with GG friends, please look out for future community listings at this space :) Look forward to seeing you there :)

Report written by Sheffield runner

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Led by Kat

GoodGym Sheffield runner

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Andrew Waters

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DCRT: Salmon Revival - River Don weir fish pass inspections

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Tom Mutton
Showroom Cinema

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