

One man went to mow...

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Liverpool.

  • Matthew
  • Pauline Harrison
Saturday, 22nd of August 2020

...while I did the real work 🤫

Having put in a full morning at the garden of Mr T, Mat and I took a little time out to grab some lunch. Before our second task of the day. A very chunky cheese and tomato sandwich, made with Mat's freshly baked bread, and his homemade chocolate and pear brownies...finished off with a welcome cup of tea...just what we needed to refuel, ready for task number 2.

Mrs S has been unable to maintain her garden for some time, and was embarrased by the overgrown grass at the front of her house. She and her son were waiting for us with a range of garden tools and a lawn mower.

Whilst Mat got to grips with the mower, Mrs S and I had a bit of a chat. Like so many of the vulnerable people we visit, Mrs S has not had an easy time of late. She has suffered loss, and is learning to cope with limited mobility and joint problems. She is finding it difficult to be on her own, having just her two cats for company most of the time. Her eldest son, too, has several medical conditions, which make it impossible for him to tend to the gardens. After the loss of his youngest brother, he has taken over the care of his mum, including shopping and checking on her when he can, as she has not left the house for the past six months. Living some distance away, and with a family of his own to care for, this extra responsibility has added to the family's stress.

Mother and son were so grateful to have some help that I lost track of the number of times they each thanked us.

Having been caught out in the rain during the morning, I was pleased to welcome a bit of sunshine to dry me out. This also helped to dry the grass in parts and Mat soon made short work of the unruly lawn. Meanwhile, I had found some self seeded trees growing alongside the house and an overgrown rose bush that was blocking a path. Armed with a shovel and shears, I managed to dig out the interlopers and, unexpectedly, unblocked a downspout...water suddenly gushed out, hit the grid, and shot into the air, showering me at the same time...what did I say about being dry?

All too soon, the two green bins were full, and our time was up...for today. Mrs S was very pleased with the afternoon's progress, and is looking forward to a future task, to get the job finished.

Before we left, she told us, not for the first time, that we were angels, for having turned up to help her...and, not for the first time did we think, if only everyone who was able, would give an hour or two a week, to help their neighbour or their community...

What a (more) wonderful world it would be...

Report written by Pauline Harrison

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Amy Pezet
Amy Pezet
Monday August 24th, 2020 14:06

Beautiful report - what a wonderful world it would be indeed! Great work Matthew and Pauline! Love the photos of the task - really feel a part of the mission. I'm sure Mrs S and her family are very grateful for your help.

Amy Pezet
Amy Pezet
Tuesday August 25th, 2020 14:17

A comment from the referrer 'My client is so delighted with her garden and I cannot thank you all enough for great work that has been done! Please give my thanks to the two volunteers that cut Mrs S's grass - they have done a stellar job. For me, I am truly grateful that you have helped my client who was in dire need of assistance with her garden. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!'

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