

Must dash to the Moustache Run!!!

8 GoodGymers made their way 10km in a race in Cardiff.

  • Fiona Guy
  • Ellen
  • Lowri Davies
  • Aimee Giles
  • Martin Graff
  • Darren
  • Nic
  • Marion
Saturday, 10th of November 2018
Led by Ellen

How cool are these guys? 💕😎 On a rainy Saturday morning, 8 GoodGym runners and friends took part in the MoRun. This is a fun annual event in lovely Bute Park, with many runners donning all manners of costumes and facial hair - real and fake - to raise awareness of funds for men's health issues. Awards were even held for Best Costume! And we in the GoodGym(ish) team (named so, since we had some non-GoodGym runners take part with us) held our own awards, listed below.

Fortunately the rain stopped and the sun (remember that?!) came out right as the race was about to start, which meant that their moustaches lasted the duration of the run... Who knows, maybe they'll have their moustaches for the entire weekend 😉 Well done all!!

2018 GoodGym(ish) Awards awarded at the MoRun Race:

- Best Costume: Nic and Oliver as the Super Mario Bros. It was hard to distinguish them from the real deal! - Best Moustache: Martin Peters. A tache worthy of Tom Selleck himself! - Best Artistic Endeavor: Martin Graff, for being able to draw a fairly passable moustache and goatee beard on his face with an eyebrow pencil, WITHOUT a mirror! Best First Timer: Fiona. Who ran her first 10k race today - whoop whoop!! - Best Cheerer: Adam. Who stood in rain and wind, and a bit of sunshine, and shouted encouragement - particularly in the last 1km! - Best MultiTasker: Aimee. Not only did she run, but she ALSO stayed on to cheer us on after cutting her 10k short to finish a 5k, because of leg pain. What support!

Now sorry - must dash off to a mission :)

  • All prize decisions are awarded by the GoodGym admin writing this report up, and are final.

Report written by Ellen

Discuss this report

Sunday November 11th, 2018 09:51

I demand a recount!!! 😂 Nice report Ellen. Good running folks.

Sunday November 11th, 2018 13:47

Certificates Tuesday please 😁

Fiona Guy
Fiona Guy
Sunday November 11th, 2018 14:12

Oooh do I get a medal?! Oh wait.....I did 😊

Benjamin Annear
Benjamin Annear
Thursday November 15th, 2018 16:19


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