
Group run

Mop, skip and a jump

15 GoodGymers made their way 5km to help their local community in Hounslow.

  • Anastasia Hancock
  • Andy
  • Remy Maisel
  • Michelle
  • Harvey Gallagher
  • Luis
  • Jon Scott-Francis
  • Jonathan
  • Lucy Hill
  • Charlotte
  • Leticia Bessel
  • Alan Armstrong
  • Sevan
  • Bethan Critchley
  • Hounslow runner
Wednesday, 26th of January 2022
Led by Anastasia Hancock

It's lovely to see tasks we have done over the years develop and evolve throughout Hounslow, and last night was the perfect example of that. A few years ago we ran to the area under Turnham Bridge station - at that time it was a pretty unattractive mix of many layers of old fly posting, peeling paint and not a little amount of bird poo. We helped strip it all back so that a new beautiful timeline of Chiswick mural could be installed by a local artist. Since then, pre pandemic, we have been back to give it a good clean and help with its upkeep, and, despite the freezing conditions last night, it was time for its annual spruce up.

We met first at our usual spot, and first off it was time to give GoodGym hero Alan a huge cheer for reaching that magic milestone - 50 good deeds. Over the course of those good deeds, Alan has run many, many kilometres (even completing his first marathon), hundred of squats and made a massive difference to his community. A huge well done! It was also lovely to see so many faces from Ealing GG - welcome! We started off with a much needed warm up and before we set off for the mural, discussed which wonder of the world, famous or historic place we would love to be transported too. The Temples of Kyoto, Rio and even, er, Peckham were on the list.

Carrying buckets, mops and sponges, we headed down to the mural to find the artist who created it, Sarah, waiting for us with (thankfully warm) water and a ladder. Gloves on and scrubbers at the ready, we wiped, washed, scrubbed and polished until the whole thing was looking sparkling. One happy group photo later, and we were done. There was an optional, but very tough, fitness session which involved flying thirties combined with conditioning exercises, and then a run back to base. Well done on a large-scale but very effective job last night everyone! Next week we're back for a task we'll be going to more regularly at Cultivate London, to help them ahead of their move. You can sign up for all the inevitable fun right here. Run happy, everyone.

Report written by Anastasia Hancock

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Raking and other jobs at Turnham Green

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Anastasia Hancock

Chiswick Town Hall

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