
Community mission

Logcation, Logcation, Logcation

4 GoodGymers made their way to help the Southall Community Alliance in Ealing.

  • Harvey Gallagher
  • Sevan
  • Kash
  • Madhan
Saturday, 9th of September 2023
Led by Kash

Janpal from Southall Community Alliance needed help. His current property, Western Road Urban Garden, wasn't meeting his needs. What he really needed was room for a shed, so he put a call in to GoodGym Ealing to help out.

Local property experts Kash, Madhan and Sevan came to take a look. They could see that Janpal's urban garden had been through a lot of renovation recently, with new beds filled with ripe and ripening vegetables such as cucumbers, pumpkins, chillies and aubergines. A lot of time and care had clearly gone into it.

Finding a new urban garden for Janpal was a tough ask for the team, never mind finding 4 to given Janpal a choice of, taking a tour of each one so that he could see how he felt about each one. Instead, they saw potential at Western Road that Janpal could unlock. There was a prime location for a shed that was currently covered with a log pile 🪵🪵🪵. They conferred and realised that they could make Janpal's property dreams come true without the hassle of moving sites.

Unusually for property experts, they decided to do the transformation themselves. They grabbed some wheelbarrows, slipped on their gardening gloves and got to work. A new location in the urban garden for the log pile was identified and the barrows started to flow, full of logs, to their new home.

Some of the logs were small and easy to move, while others were large, heavy or unusually shaped hunks of wood. It took a lot of team work to load and unload them and their were some mishaps along the way, including one totalled wheelbarrow with a warped bed and a buckled wheel. The hot weather didn't help either, so the team took breaks for drink and samosa top ups.

Through the transformation, local celebrities, including a councillor came to see what was taking place in Janpal's urban garden. They saw the activity and came to talk to Kash too to understand more about the services that GoodGym offers 🤩.

After 3 hours, Janpal was overjoyed. Now he could see the vision too and where the shed would sit. There was still more that Janpal wanted to achieve though. Garden specialist Harvey arrived to help with the next stage, moving woodchip across the site to keep the new plant beds well hydrated.

With their tasks complete, the GoodGymers left Janpal to peruse a selection of shed catalogues to find the perfect one for his garden 📚.

Report written by Sevan

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Harvey Gallagher
Harvey Gallagher
Saturday September 9th, 2023 20:56

Very good!

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Led by Kash

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