

Lady and the stamp 📮

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Camden.

  • Bethan Critchley
Friday, 10th of September 2021

Due to working from home on Wednesday, I hadn’t been able to do Mrs M’s weekly shop on her usual day. Sadly, no other goodgymers had been able to pick it up, and so I managed to squeeze in a quick shop on this drizzly Friday afternoon.

Upon opening her flat door, Mrs M handed me an envelope with her list, cash and also a card which she wanted me to post for her. Conversation turned to the usual topics – her troublesome neighbour, the carers, and finally to the most pressing issue… Mrs M still has no water! Apparently the only person who can fix it is unwell at the moment, and so that leaves Mrs M relying on bottled water. Once I had quickly scanned the list for any potential queries, I headed off to Tesco with her trusty trolley. There were no big bottles of water today, so I had to settle for 4x 2 litres… hopefully that will keep Mrs M going for a while!

En route back to her flat, I popped into Sainsburys to pick up a packet of wholemeal pittas, and that was the final item ticked off the list. Following a quick google to check the price of a first class stamp (85p!!! Those have become more expensive than I remember 🤔) I took the required coins out of Mrs M’s change so that I could post the card at the Post Office. I dropped off Mrs M’s shopping, then said my goodbyes for the week and got the card posted on my way back to work.

Report written by Bethan Critchley

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Liverpool runner
Liverpool runner
Tuesday September 14th, 2021 10:55

Well done!

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Wednesday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Alex Murtough

The Francis Crick Institute

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