
Group run

Keeping it Short and Sweep...

19 GoodGymers made their way 2.8km to help the SUSTRANS in Sheffield.

  • Lucy J
  • Susan Gillie
  • Sheffield runner
  • Zofia
  • Ash
  • Sarah Louise
  • Stephen Gilmer
  • Daniel Ketton
  • Rachel
  • James Smith
  • Helen Alford
  • Tom (Harman) Hinton
  • Sheffield runner
  • Jenny
  • Tom
  • David Sheppard
  • Linda Cairns
  • FE Wells
  • Kate L
Monday, 7th of October 2019
Led by Helen Alford

This week nineteen Sheffield GGers set aside their evening to help out Simon at Sustrans. Thankfully, the northern weather patterns finally aligned and we didn't get soaked to the bone, which made a change... After a short run to the task we took up tools and worked on the three jobs Simon had set us; 1) litter picking 2)vegetation chopping and 3)sweeping the paths of leaf debris. Sweeping proved particularly popular!

Like a well-oiled machine, all GoodGymers completed their tasks with extreme efficiency and soon there was no more left to be done. After bidding farewell (until next time!) to Simon, we headed back to the Showroom. En-route, we incorporated a few hill sprints as our fitness session. Despite many runners having raced the Ten10Ten the previous day, there was some serious speed! Great job everyone!

After the hills, there was another short run back to base for stretches, news, and drinks ☺️

Report written by Helen Alford

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Helen Alford
Led by Helen Alford

GoodGym Sheffield runner

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Tom (Harman) Hinton

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Pitsmoor Pickers: Joint Litter Pick

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Tom Mutton
Showroom Cinema

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