
Group run

I Senior baby, raking that grass

29 GoodGymers made their way 6.8km to help the Seniors in Lewisham.

  • Adele Prince
  • Rianna
  • Conroy
  • Sarah
  • Helen
  • Rebecca Cavanagh
  • Lucy Harris
  • Kim Parker
  • James Sheridan
  • Sarah
  • Vic
  • Nykolette
  • Amber Maurice
  • Greenwich runner
  • Akay Okcun
  • Ali Noyce
  • Mary Hardcastle
  • Ernestas Jegorovas-Armstrong
  • Lewisham runner
  • Malcolm Young
  • Lewisham runner
  • Juliet
  • Birchlyn Conte
  • Bradley Smith
  • Kanatta Kyazze
  • Kirsty
  • Jonathan Felton
  • Glain Jones
  • Matthew Waterhouse
Monday, 11th of June 2018
Led by Adele Prince

As the sun shone, 29 happy faces tripped along through Lewisham to cover 7km of running and help out at Seniors.

What a gorgeous evening for running and doing good in great company! This week saw one absolute first-timer to GoodGym, hello Matthew and two visitors, Akay, who has previously been along to GoodGym Bexley and Ernie, who is a regular up in Islington, we hope you felt the Lewisham Love :)

In fact, there was an awful lot of love to go round this week, with some of our runners feeling a little high from a weekend of EPIC running. From midday on Saturday to midday on Sunday, our awesome Team Lewisham Wildcats ran 8km laps of hills, trails and through the woods at Endure 24. Between them they ran a whopping 135 miles, supporting each other throughout. They lifted each other's spirits when times felt hard, they gave their all to make sure their team mates had enough rest and, best of all, they represented GoodGym with a smile on their faces and the Lewisham crown sitting proudly on their heads. We're all incredibly proud of what you achieved, well done superstars! Give a cheer to Nykolette, Helen, Amber, Caireen, Jacqueline, Kim, Conroy and Stephen (and added Kudos to Kim, Helen, Conroy, Amber and Nykolette for making it along tonight!!).

Tonight's task was taking us over to Seniors. We do enjoy our visits here, but have to gear ourselves up for the longer run and the HILLS! A quick warm up got our heart rates up slightly (and helped us get to know each other a bit better) and off we went. On an evening as lovely as this, how marvellous to be able to run through Ladywell Fields and push hard up and over Blythe Hill, with a last sweep down to Stanstead Road. At Seniors we were met by Cathy and Alice, who showed us through to the garden at the back of the building. Now this garden is big and, with 29 people ready to get stuck in, Cathy had her work cut out assigning tasks. Pretty soon though, everyone was either putting on gloves or grabbing tools, ready to get stuck into one of the many jobs on offer...

  • Digging over the beds in the polytunnel to mix in the manure, creating hotbeds

  • Working in the same way over at the raised beds, creating areas to grow vegetables

  • Lifting a bench out onto the grass to coat it with teak oil

  • Weeding and sweeping the patio

  • Sanding tables on the patio, ready for oiling or varnishing (some of which was also done)

  • Crawling into the little spaces under the building to pull out tables, ladders, chairs and all sorts of other items, which were then sorted, creating a more orderly space in which to put the useful items that were to be kept (well done Marta and Ernie, this looked like a cramped and dusty job!)

There was even enough time once the polytunnel was done to make a start on an overgrown bed, giving it a quick strim and rake. Just look at that list of jobs! This kind of work is heavy and not always easy for some of the regular volunteers at Seniors, so well done all of you for making a difference in just half an hour.

Before we ran off, Cathy briefly told us about the open day which is happening this coming Saturday, to which we are all welcome (entry is just £1, which enters you into a raffle) and with the lovely new children's play area, we were invited to bring along our smaller members too.

At this point on a run to Seniors, we know what's coming next. The secret is to grit your teeth, drive your arms and step lively (oh and chatting gets a little harder the higher up you go!)...but it's so worth the effort! Tonight's view was particularly good, with clear skies and a setting sun. We are very lucky around here, with so many beautiful green spaces :)

Arriving back at Glass Mill, there was just enough time for one last push, a little wall sit, as if our thighs weren't burning enough already! Next week is pretty special all round. We are venturing over to Surrey Docks Farm, which is always a real treat (think goats, donkeys, sheep, sleepy pigs...). It does mean a long run though, so there is the option of running one way and taking transport the other (remember, we get to run alongside the river for once, which is pretty special). Sign up here to join us, when we might also be celebrating a milestone and getting excited about our summer social at the Wildcat Wilderness.

Have a great week x

Report written by Adele Prince

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Adele Prince
Led by Adele Prince

Area activator at GoodGym Lewisham and Bromley. Happiest when cycling towards a swim. Lover of Hilly Fields parkrun.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Mary Hardcastle

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Help plant the wildflower plugs at Florence Green

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Kim Parker
Glass Mill Leisure Centre

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