
Group run

GoodGym Camden MIND at Castlehaven

2 GoodGymers made their way 1.2km to help the Castlehaven Community Centre in Camden.

  • Adele Prince
  • Mrika Sinani
Tuesday, 8th of May 2018
Led by Adele Prince

In scorching sunshine, two happy runners took on 2km and two raised beds.

The weather really couldn't be much more different to last week, where we were soaked wet through (but happy)! Today was hot and sticky, but we pushed on and reached Castlehaven feeling ready to get stuck in to whatever Paul had lined up for us.

He quickly showed us our area of focus for this week, the raised beds around the foot of two trees. These were currently full of dandelion clocks and various other weeds (and the odd bit of litter) and our job was to pull these up and dig over the soil, ready for planting. Sounds easy, eh? Oh my, that soil was rock hard and as dry as dust! This wasn't going to stop us though and we set-to, heads down, determined to clear the unwanted greenery. Every so often I looked up from my job, wiped my hot brow (spreading soil across my face, nice!) to see Mrika storming ahead, fantastic work! In fact, she finished her own tree before me and came over to help me finish mine - thank you!

Once we stepped back and saw what we had achieved, there were smiles all round and just enough time to wash our hands, gulp down some water and test our core strength with a few rounds of front planks, side planks and bridges - a great way to strengthen your core muscles to support your back and power your running or walking.

See you again next week, fingers crossed for more fine weather!

Report written by Adele Prince

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FRIENDLY GROUP SESSION! Filling a Skip @ The Wonderful King's Cross Story Garden 🌼 Helping the Environment!

Wednesday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Alex Murtough

The Francis Crick Institute

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