
Group run

Getting Diggy With It

9 GoodGymers made their way 6.0km to help the PARCS - Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Counselling Service in Portsmouth.

  • Katie Carew-Robinson
  • Tony Hewett
  • Jo Kitching
  • Angela Chick
  • Shakira
  • Charlotte Fisher
  • Portsmouth runner
  • Jo Cooke
  • Tim Clements
Wednesday, 8th of August 2018
Led by Katie Carew-Robinson

Luckily this week the weather was kind and it had cooled down a little – nice for an outside task.

This week’s run was to a new place for a new beneficiary. We headed east towards Baffins and then wound our way through the residential streets to Moneyfields allotments. PARCS have recently taken ownership of a plot there so we were asked if we could help get it cleared and ready for their clients to get planting. I love it when people ask me those questions, YES WE CAN!

We set to work digging over the beds and painting the shed alongside some great staff from PARCS who had kindly brought along some water and fruit for us too. We always love a task where we get fed! The plot had been left untended for about 6 months and with the lack of rain, digging it over was hard going! But with the usual GoodGym gusto, lots got done and there are now two large areas dug over. The team painting the shed did excellent work and transformed it into a better version of itself - it looked like it had been on holiday and got a great tan. They even managed not to paint themselves (too much).

We didn't find any underwear this week but in the other GG Portsmouth tradition there was a lot of chat about food! Next week, bring your dinner to GoodGym... We are combining a task and a social. We will be meeting at Hilsea Lido, running from there and then having a picnic there after our task. Sign up here

Paws for thought:
Happy International Cat day everyone (thanks to Angela for bringing this day to our attention!). We had a brief visit from our cat mascot during stretch time but she didn't want to hang around for photos this week. Places to be, people to see.

Have a great week everyone, see you on Wednesday if I don't see you around Pompey beforehand.

Report written by Katie Carew-Robinson

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Katie Carew-Robinson
Led by Katie Carew-Robinson

Run Leader for GoodGym Portsmouth. Health & fitness coach, student, runner, outdoors lover & cinnamon bun enthusiast.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Tony Hewett

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Staunton Farm Fun!

Wednesday 17:50 - 19:35
Led by Jen Stoneham
Front Lawn Community Hub

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