

Gardening for Mr A

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Sheffield.

  • Rachel
Sunday, 11th of July 2021

Mr and Mrs A are quite frail, Mr A having just come out of hospital, so they are unable to attend to their lovely garden much at the moment, something he is finding very frustrating.

The main intended task was to dismantle a rickety old shed. The door was hanging off its hinges, so I crowbarred that off. I was willing to give it a bash (literally!), but Mr A, perhaps wisely, thought it wasn't a safe job for one. He didn't want to let me attempt the destruction, fearing the roof might collapse on my head. Disappointed, I reluctantly agreed that he was probably right...

And so I trimmed the hedges and mowed the lawn under his watchful eye. Happy that I'd at least achieved something helpful with my time, I left them with the promise that if the opportunity arises for me to come back and smash up their shed with some assistance, I'd be there!

Report written by Rachel

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James Smith
James Smith
Monday July 12th, 2021 16:37

As soon as I find my docs so I can get re-DBSed I'm up for shed destruction shenanigans! Kinda glad it's still waiting for me. Glad you achieved some gardening, with a hedge trimming selfie!

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