
Community mission

Flower power pollen in the crowds? You better be-leaf it

7 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Hounslow.

  • Michelle
  • Emily Oldfield
  • JP
  • Chris McCosh
  • Lucy Hill
  • Margie Smith
  • Laura Lowndes
Sunday, 6th of September 2020
Led by Michelle

Seven heroic GoodGymers gave up their Sunday afternoon’s to support our community at this landmark event, the first new flower market in London in 150 years and the first ever flower market in Chiswick.

Emily, JP, Lucy, Chris, Laura, Michelle and very special mention to Margie, on her first GoodGym task, joined forces to help with site clearance after 7000 people descended on the old market place in Chiswick.

The referral for this task was from Goodgym member Amanda who together with other local volunteers planned and executed a fantastic event in glorious sunshine.

Our task was to help clear away posters and bunting, move bollards, shift barriers and litter pick at the end of the inaugural market and we rose to the challenge. You’re all blooming marvellous thank you for helping your local community, pollen off this event at any time is remarkable but especially in the current circumstances!

The High road was buzzing with people and it was so lovely to see GG friends, Dave and his wife, and Cathy from Richmond taking in the market. We were really pleased to see local task owners Abundance London, Cultivate London and Chiswick House and Gardens getting some well deserved appreciation. Amongst the familiar and famous faces putting in an appearance was Jeremy Vine who was only too pleased to hear that Lucy enjoys reading his column in Waitrose mag and promised to mention her in a future edition.

After a couple of hours putting our petal to the metal (litter pickers) the site was clear and our task was done so we headed off for a post-task pint in the local to celebrate. Big welcome to Margie, we look forward to seeing you at another mission soon. Great work everyone, can't wait to see the market go from strength to strength over the next few months. Don't miss it on the first Sunday of each month in the run up to Christmas!

Report written by Michelle

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Supporting a partnership between Chiswick allotments and Hounslow foodbank

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Anastasia Hancock

Chiswick Town Hall

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