
Group run

Fartleking around in the park

15 GoodGymers made their way 3.9km to help the Chelmsford Council in Chelmsford.

  • James Connolly
  • Joe Phelps
  • Rich Walker
  • James Gallifant
  • Jenny King
  • Fay Downing
  • Paul Fisk
  • Anton
  • Carol Brennan
  • Andy Holmes
  • Chelmsford runner
  • Charlotte
  • Chelmsford runner
  • Katherine Heath
  • Katie Pons Webster
Wednesday, 11th of September 2019
Led by Rich Walker

Hi All,

Wednesday seems to roll around quickly so it must be Goodgym day!

First of all, I want to say a big HELLO and WELCOME to Carol on her first Chelmsford Goodgym run. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did and hope to see you again soon.

The weather being the perfect temperature for a social run we decided it would be rude not to use it and make our way to Central Park for a spot of tidying up of a flower bed that was in need of a little tlc.

With Russell leading out we set off through the ARU campus and along the high street before turning off into the park ready to get our hands dirty with some good honest work. Charlotte had messaged ahead to say she was running late and as James G and I were going to collect the bags and gloves we bumped into her as she almost dropped her phone. She asked if I could hold her phone in my bag while we performed the task (we’ll come back to that later).

Gloves and bags distributed, everyone set to work picking up rubbish and leaves to make the flower bed look like it should. If you didn’t know, this is on the main route from the city centre and through the park and is a high traffic area. And by tidying it up will make a massive difference to not only the environment but to people’s perception of the park as they use it. Also, its part of our local Parkrun route and you can be proud as you pass it on your victory lap. Bags full and conversations flowing we finished up, took the them over to the park ranger’s station and then it was time for some “fun”.

Seeing as the weather was lovely it would be great to do a Fartlek session. For those who don’t know, Fartlek is a training method where you change your speed during the workout. The idea is to raise the heart rate then lower it during an “active recovery” before raising it again. So, setting off in 2s, jogging first, then a walk before a steady run, until the final sprint back to where we started and then to repeat. The idea being that at the end of the sprint your heart should be in your mouth and then by the time you have finished the walk you heart rate should be back down again. You all smashed it and I hope you use it in the future for a change up in your runs.

With hearts pounding it was time to set off back to base, Charlotte having parked her car in the opposite direction we said goodbye to her and set off towards the ARU. As we approached the train station, I realised that I still had her phone and a sudden panic set in but luckily Anton was there and knew of a way to contact her. As he was doing so Charlotte came sprinting around the corner shouting that she needed her phone. Sorry Charlotte, but think of the session you just did and feel proud of it. ;-P

We arrived back at base and stretched off after a lovely evening spent together, a tidy flower bed and a great Fartlek session.

WELL DONE EVERYONE and might see some of you at Parkrun this weekend



Report written by Rich Walker

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Cleaning at Beaulieu Community Centre

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Rich Walker
The Old Factory

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