
Group run

Ewe herd it here first

22 GoodGymers made their way 3.8km to help the Oxford City Farm in Oxford.

  • Charlotte Hansford
  • Jane Hotchen
  • Anwen Greenaway
  • Bethan Greenaway
  • Mark
  • Trevor
  • Sarah Morris
  • Jessica Lorimer
  • Alice
  • Sarah McFadden
  • Vicky Arnold
  • Matt Burton
  • Louise Hall
  • Milly Haven
  • Sophie Wilkinson
  • Hattie Elvins
  • Shati Patel
  • Bristol runner
  • Henry Gibson
  • Laurie Wilkinson
  • Oxford runner
  • Genevieve
Wednesday, 25th of May 2022
Led by Anwen Greenaway

Oxford City Farm is a lovely task location, and they're always really enthusiastic about getting a GoodGym flash mob in. It's a fairly large site, with lots of tasks to do, so that can be a bit overwhelming for their small team. Last night they were really well prepared for us, with a list of tasks on a white board (love a good list!), and tools laid out in appropriate locations around the farm.

Divide and conquer was the name of the game.

After 'What's your favourite farm animal?' as the question of the day, we scattered smaller teams off in different directions to see how much we could tick off. The jobs we completed were:

  • Emptying the 1 tonne bag in compost corner
  • Bagging up the rubbish near the entrance gate
  • Clearing the willow leaves and twigs off the chicken run roof (one for the tallest GoodGymers)
  • Weeding the onions by the scarecrow wearing the motorcycle helmet (yes you read that right)
  • Hoeing the paths around the raised beds
  • Weeding out some epic bind weed roots - Genevieve got the prize for longest root
  • Cutting back the brambles, dock leaves and general jungle behind the toilet block and around the bike racks, including detangling bindweed from the fig tree and raspberry canes. Thought you'd seen the last of brambles after the last 2 weeks? Think again!
  • Spread wood chip by the bike racks and behind the toilet block

The only task we didn't manage to get to was removing the thistles from around the strawberry patch, but hopefully that isn't too bad of a task for someone to complete on another day.

Our power hour over we were treated to freshly cut lettuces to take home and a chance to feed the VERY tame sheep. Oxford City Farm sheep are not your average farm animal - they're more like pets that come running when you rattle their food box! Always a hit with the GoodGym crew.

Thanks to Phil and Maria from the Farm for welcoming us in to commune with the chickens, sheep and Peter the rabbit. If you're keen to visit again soon we will be helping out at their open morning next Friday. All the details are here.

Welcome to GoodGym Genevieve!

Report written by Anwen Greenaway

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Anwen Greenaway
Led by Anwen Greenaway

Goodgym Coordinator for Oxford. Trail runner, often muddy.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • Bristol runner
    • Vicky Arnold
    • Trevor
    • Mark
    • Bethan Greenaway

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helping OXSRAD - painting

Wednesday 18:00 - 19:30
Led by Anwen Greenaway
Up In Arms pub

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