
Community mission

Endcliffe park litter pick

4 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Sheffield.

  • Hannah McCormack
  • Andrew Waters
  • Celine
  • Thomas Archer
Saturday, 27th of June 2020
Led by Hannah McCormack

Four GGers got up early to help tidy up Endcliffe park on a drizzly Saturday morning. We were also joined by the lovely Seiko. The park has been struggling with litter due to there being lots of parties during the hot weather, but we were pleased to see that the main field didn't look too bad. We got to work removing bottles, cans and take away boxes from the children's play area and then moved on to tidy up the field behind the duck pond. Andrew and Tall Tom rivaled each other for most disgusting find of the day, but Celine came away 15p richer!

Hopefully our efforts will encourage other park users to keep the park clean and tidy!

Report written by Hannah McCormack

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Sheffield runner
Sheffield runner
Tuesday June 30th, 2020 18:21

Great works guys :)

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Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Tom Mutton
Showroom Cinema

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