

Dosa, Yum & Fun 😊

8 GoodGymers made their way 5.0km to have an amazing time in Woking.

  • Woking runner
  • Adam
  • Wayne
  • Katie J
  • Kirsty Raynes
  • Lauren
  • Julie
  • Nadia
Wednesday, 12th of June 2024
Led by Wayne

Woking GG Social Evening

Tonight after completing our weekly task GG Woking had a long overdue get together.

Wayne, Anne, Adam, Katie, Kirsty, Lauren, Julie, & Nadia all headed to Chennai Dosa Artisanz for food, drink and conversations πŸ˜‹. It was a shame that other members could not make it but hopefully we will have another one soon.

We accidentally came across the restaurant a few weeks ago while doing a leaflet drop in the area and the smell just made us all want to go in and try the food.

Nadia, Wayne, & Katie were going wild and letting their hair down with Ginger & Mango Mocktails 🀣 while Kirsty was sticking to her wine.

Once we had made our mind and then changed our mind and then made our mind up we all ordered a variety of dishes. Kirsty dosa arrived and we were shocked how big it was it was huge, Slowly everyone's food was coming to the table it all smelt and looked good.

Wayne The most hungriest person was the last to get his food and when it did arrive was shocked that he had ordered a starter size dish, even though it was tasty but within a second all the other dishes from the table were all in front of him from the rest of the group ❀

It was a great evening talking about Running, Politics, Holidays and putting the world the right. Woking GG are a amazing group of people an we lucky that we all have each other ❀.

Report written by Wayne

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Thursday June 13th, 2024 07:26

Thanks for last night everyone, it was a great evening we will do another one soon and hopefully those who did not make it can come πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

Kirsty Raynes
Kirsty Raynes
Thursday June 13th, 2024 07:38

We are lucky to have you organising such a lovely treat for us all. Can’t wait for the next one. Enjoy your leftover lunches today!

Thursday June 13th, 2024 08:22

Fab time ❀️😊 with a lovely group of people!

Woking runner
Woking runner
Thursday June 13th, 2024 11:58

Great evening, merci beaucoup Wayne for making it happen! Great team indeed...

Katie J
Katie J
Friday June 14th, 2024 08:12

Thank you for all you do Wayne ⭐

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Woking Food Bank

Thursday 19:00 - 20:00
Led by Wayne
Woking Leisure Centre

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