
Group run

Don't be afraid of the park, we're just Mulchers Inc

44 GoodGymers made their way 4.6km to help the Heeley Development Trust in Sheffield.

  • Becky Greenwood
  • Ben Hooper
  • Tim Gait
  • Tom Mutton
  • Mike Jones
  • Sheffield runner
  • Zofia
  • Kim Longbon
  • Sarah Louise
  • Sam Needham
  • Stephen Gilmer
  • Chris Dyer
  • Daniel Ketton
  • Hannah McCormack
  • Rachel
  • Sheffield runner
  • Bee Gan
  • Joe Dunne
  • Helen Alford
  • Elizabeth Rowe
  • Finn Burgum
  • Sergiu Radu
  • Andrea
  • Rob Kenning
  • Tom (Harman) Hinton
  • Chris
  • Amber
  • Michael Wright
  • Annie Hinton
  • Sheffield runner
  • Jennifer
  • Celine
  • Adam Perry
  • Darren Wake
  • Dana
  • Emily Oaks
  • Laura
  • Jen Martin
  • Jenny
  • Hawa Ould-Ahmed
  • Thomas Paul Archer
  • Alex Lynch
  • Dan Twort
  • Jess Zollman Thomas
Monday, 14th of January 2019
Led by Tom Mutton



Big welcome to new runners who came for the first time, hope you enjoyed it and will be along next week. BIG CHEERS FOR;

Amber Cagney, Laura, Jennifer, Hawa Ould-Ahmed, Thomas Paul Archer, Alex Lynch, Dan Twort, and Jess Zollman Thomas!

Also HUGE congrats to Helen who winged her way to 100 good deeds tonight and to Rachel who was on her 50th good deed! GREAT WORK BOTH!

This week we were back off to HEELEY PEOPLES PARK (HPP) to help HEELEY DEVELOPMENT TRUST (HDT) with the upkeep of this fantastic community owned and maintained park.

We split into 2 groups, with Sam and Tom taking a group and Steve and Kim taking another.

On arrival to HPP we met with FANTASTIC FRANK who gave us the low down on HDT and the park and what the task was going to be tonight.

Armed with very useful lights PARKY ROB got the first group straight to work doing the MONSTER MULCH, loading buckets and barrows with mulch that was spread over three parts of the park;

  1. Playground
  2. Pathway to/from the playground
  3. Around the boulder

On arrival, the second group got another brief from Frank and mucked in with the first group who were already set up with the task and had an efficient line of fillers, carriers and spreaders on the go!

In Rob's words; 'You can't go deep enough'

So we pilled it high, creating a soft landing for all users of the park's fantastic boulder and park facilities.

During loading of said barrows and buckets, some interesting things were overheard....

Adam, stop soiling on my feet!

Thanks so mulch...

Mounds good

Thank you very mulch

Spread the love

At the end of the task Frank and Rob thanked all and mentioned that the most mulch they had ever spread in a single session was 2 van loads and we had done three in 45mins, so this was another record for the night!

We waved goodbye to the park, Frank & Rob and headed to another park for a spot of fitness were there was TRIPLE TROUBLE in store.

We got into teams of three and each member complete a set of the following, tagging team mates along to the next exercise as they finished the previous;

  1. Loop of the park (quick as you can to save your teammates)
  2. Straight arm hang (with raised knees or legs if you fancy it)
  3. Step up's or box jumps on the TETRIS peice!

It was a fantastic evening of running, fitness and good deeding!

Until next time, happy running! :)

Report written by Tom Mutton

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Tom Mutton
Led by Tom Mutton

Sheffield Area Activator. PT, England Athletics Coach in Running Fitness & Tutor.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back markers

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Kim Longbon
    • Sam Needham
    • Stephen Gilmer
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • Sam Needham
    • Tom (Harman) Hinton

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SUSTRANS: Keeping Sheffield's walking, running and cycling routes spic and span.

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Tom Mutton
Showroom Cinema

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