

Deja view

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Lewisham.

  • Frances Collier-Wright
  • Stuart Redfern
Wednesday, 17th of March 2021
Here's what Mrs C of SE23 had to say about the mission:

The OT team provided some feedback as follows: "Many thanks Stuart & Frances for your hard work, it is very much appreciated - Mrs C will hopefully be discharged from hospital in the coming days! " Nice work!

Mrs C of SE23, mission beneficiary

Stuart and I met, same time, same place 1 week on - we had unfinished business! Having attended Ms C a week earlier to find the mission cancelled we were both keen to complete the task of swapping her old chair from bedroom to sitting room and new chair from sitting room to bedroom. Apart from anything, she lives at the top of a very steep hill and I didn't want to have gone up there for nothing!  

So, having become acquainted with the task and Ms C's son, we set about moving the old chair down the stairs. It was pretty tough on the tight corners but we managed it fairly swiftly. So far so good. You might be thinking this meant we were half way through, so did we, but unfortunately we were nowhere near.

The new chair, on account of all the excellent features, was significantly heavier than the old. On top of that, moving up some stairs is harder than moving down. There were a number of times we all thought it wasn't going to be possible, but with Frances' unfounded certainty, Stuart's tenacity, and Ms C's son's encouragement, somehow we managed to slowly bump it up the stairs and into the room. This involved quite a bit of dismantling of both the chair and the house so once it was in position we quickly went around making sure everything was spic and span, and looked like we'd never set foot in the place. And then, with joy and delight, we set off downhill to our homes, to rest our backs and marvel at a tough task done.

Report written by Frances Collier-Wright

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Stuart Redfern
Stuart Redfern
Thursday March 18th, 2021 08:38

Great report Frances. You didn't mention your gold medal standard squat power lifting.

Bristol runner
Bristol runner
Thursday March 18th, 2021 10:06

Great work both, the OT team really appreciated your efforts and Mrs C can now come home!

Adele Prince
Adele Prince
Friday March 19th, 2021 09:23

This is brilliant! Your hard work will have made such a difference, those chairs are *so* heavy!

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