

Commute to Reboot

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Liverpool.

  • Pauline Harrison
Saturday, 3rd of July 2021

GoodGym were asked by the Stroke Association to assist Mr J. by bringing a computer and printer down to the kitchen, as he is unable to get upstairs.

Mr J has not been able to use his computer for some time. He loves photography and wants to print off his photos. He has recently had a stroke and has not been able to do much.

Mr and Mrs J were the most delightful couple. We had a lovely chat about photography, and I was shown many pictures that Mr J had taken, printed and framed, including a stunning photograph of Sefton Park (see pics) Mrs J has created family albums, with humerous comments and meaningful memories, which she shared with me.

Mrs J and I cleared a space at the kitchen table before I started to move the computer, printer and keyboards downstairs. There were several extension leads available, but no free socket. After some discussion of options, and safety, I set up the equipment with the lead temporarily plugged in through the doorway, into the living room.

I was able to set up the computer successfully and showed Mr J his photograph folders. We discussed the need for new inks, and possibly an extra socket for his new work station. Before leaving, I had to shut down and unplug everything, so that there were no trailing cables on the floor.

Mr J was very pleased at the prospect of accessing his photographs once more, and even offered to print off some for me, once he is up and running again 😁

I had a final chat at the gate with Mrs J, who was also very grateful for the assistance. They have a beautiful garden and she was keen to tell me the names of the flowers, offering me cuttings, if ever I wanted some 😊 They had even planted some on the grass verge outside their home (see pic).

It was an absolute pleasure to help such a kind couple. Mrs J also wanted to make a donation of some sort, as a thank you. I explained that this was not necessary: the fact that they had motivated me to get out of the house on a damp Saturday afternoon, and walk 4 miles was all the reward I needed.

Report written by Pauline Harrison

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Ema Quinn
Ema Quinn
Monday July 5th, 2021 00:19

Sounds like a really lovely visit!

York runner
York runner
Monday July 5th, 2021 16:34

Fantastic work Pauline!

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