
Community mission

Colonel Maizel

2 GoodGymers made their way to help the Southall Transition in Ealing.

  • Kash
  • Madhan
Sunday, 23rd of July 2023
Led by Kash

After a GoodGym only show last week @Bixley, this week we had the regular volunteers along with GoodGym.

I sneaked my way into the allotments by saying "Mani" to one of the other allotment people and waited for Mani to arrive. He gave me three options

  • Weeding near the potatoes that we planted last time
  • Planting sweet corn
  • Sowing seeds of a plant(I forgot the name)

I chose option two. But before planting we needed to weed the ground. Mani used a Hoe to remove weeds from 3 rows of corn that were planted already. I used a plow and have a go at removing the weeds. To take out the weeds and to even the ground, I raked the whole area around the corn. We planned to plant one more row of sweet corn.

As the land was now ready to plant, Mani and I took shovels in our hands and dug cube-shaped holes in the ground. Shaz and Julia, the regular volunteers, then showed up. Julia took option 1 and started weeding the area where potatoes are planted. Shaz planned to water the whole allotment. Soon Mala and her friend showed up.

Kash, after finishing a gardening mission with Sevan, ran solo to Bixley and I opened the gate to her. Before planting we had to separate the sweetcorn plants as the root is stuck to each other. Kash used her ninja techniques and pulled them out. We then planted a row of sweetcorn.

Meanwhile, Mala was busy harvesting shallots and beetroots. Shaz collected some of the pigweed. As we still had 20 minutes left, we asked Mani what to do with the remaining unplanted corn. He gave us a green signal to plant one more row. Kash and I then jumped up and down on the shovels to plant the last row of corn.

Mani took out a giant courgette and asked whether we want them. We asked for a smaller one, which was added to the volunteer picking list later.

As the clock said 4 pm, we returned the tools back to the shed and arranged the vegetables for a Money shot. Also, the raspberries are sweeter, Julia picked a few of them.

Report written by Madhan

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Led by Kash

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    • Madhan
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    • Madhan

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Create an IMPACTful Dressing Room 💥🎩👗

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Sevan
Bodyline Studio

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