

Brambles and scrambles

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Lewisham.

  • Leo
  • Sam Lefevre
Sunday, 17th of May 2020

Sam and I converged on Ms C's house, both arriving a few minutes early where she was ready and waiting for us with fresh gardening gloves and a handful of tools to help us tackle her garden. She was also very much losing her voice but was able to convey her desire for the garden efficiently.

She had an enviably sized garden which ordinarily would be a real joy in these times but it had seen better days, and was in the need of a Ground Force style renovation. We are by no means Alan Titchmarsh and Tommy Walsh, but what we lack in expertise we make up for in enthusiasm.

We got stuck in with typical GoodGym alacrity and found ourselves making excellent progress as our pile of garden waste continued to mount, and as we worked our way through the undergrowth we unearth a few treasures (mostly in the form of garden tools, largely past their best) but also a delightful garden duck which can be seen in the photos.

We were also partly assisted by Ms C's next door neighbour who had brokered a deal with Ms C to help take some of the waste off her hands, particularly where there was scrap metal to be salvaged so he leapt over the fence and took a number of items in varying states to presumably be put to better use elsewhere.

The time flew by and we were very pleased with how much we had accomplished in the time, and it was nice to catch up with Sam after we had last seen each other a couple of months ago for parkrun. Hopefully won't be as long until we see each other again!

Report written by Leo

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Bristol runner
Bristol runner
Tuesday May 19th, 2020 14:36

Really great work guys!

Sam Lefevre
Sam Lefevre
Tuesday May 19th, 2020 22:18

Cheers Leo for writing this up! Only had the time to read it now. Hopefully, we'll see each other soon on another gardening mission, GoodGym run or Parkrun.

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